Chapter 2.14 - "I can't tell you"

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"You have 10 seconds to get the fuck out!" 

"Hoseok, just let him explain why he's here first, he's clearly hurt," Jimin insisted, his hand motioning to the 19 year old in the back. 

After Ilsung escaped his appa, he went to the only place he could think of, Sunshine Studio, he easily got in. Though it was freezing, he fell asleep with no trouble, the male would rather be cold then in the same place as his father. 

He had intended to leave before Hoseok and Jimin showed up, that, though, did not happen. 

Hoseok walked into his studio, met with a sleeping Ilsung. A male that kissed him and almost ruined his relationship with his sync. That, to him, was unforgivable. 

Jimin, on the other hand, owed Ilsung his life, he was the one to convince Hoseok to let the young boy explain himself before jumping to conclusions. 

"Why are you here?" Jimin asked in a calm tone, walking over to the clearly cold and hurt boy. 

Jimin was 4 years older then Ilsung, but he did not care for their age difference one bit. 

"I-um, I was here because," Ilsung scratched the back of his neck, only to regret it when he felt the bruise that was there. 

"First off," Hoseok began, walking over to him as well, "what the hell happened to you?" 

Ilsung was at a cross road, he could either tell the two everything, that he was Sejun's son, that he aided in his escape, but that would only push the males into believing that Ilsung helped in their kidnapping to.

But that was not even close to the truth. 

Dia, Ilsung's mother, never let the boy know of his father, so when Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung were kidnapped, Ilsung did not even know who 'Sejun' was. It wasn't until Ilsung became curious and investigated for himself. 

Which he now regrets. 

"I fell," he stated simply, keeping a cool image. 

Hoseok and Jimin raised an eye brow, "then why are you here? And why are you bleeding from your shoulder, and why ar-"

"i get it Jimin Hyung, you don't have to tell me MY injuries," Ilsung hissed, adjusting his position so he was now sitting up. 

Hoseok hummed, the two looking at him, "you're running away from something," he stated, gesturing towards the backpack full of cloths, a phone, toiletries, and other stuff you wouldn't normally carry with you. 

Ilsung stayed silent, not really having an excuse for the bag that laid next to him, or one to explain his injuries that wasn't the truth. 

"I can't tell you," he whispered lowly, tears pricking his eyes, Jimin looking over at Hoseok, with a 'can we help him?' look. 

The male sighed, retrieving the first aid kit from the closet and handing it to Jimin. 

"Chim, just take him to your place, I can handle the classes for today," Hoseok suggested, Jimin giving him an 'are you sure' look. Hoseok nodded. 

"Okay, well Ilsung, you're coming with me," Ilsung nodded, getting up, Jimin helped him to his car, the two driving off. 

Hoseok couldn't help the suspicious feeling that arouse in his mind, what is that boy hiding? 


Ilsung hissed lowly as Jimin cleaned the wound on his shoulder, the elder chuckling lowly. 

"Don't be such a baby," he mocked, placing the bandage on. 

Ilsung rolled his eyes at his hyung's comment, deciding not to say anything back. Jimin had been cleaning and bandaging all of Ilsung's wounds, the elders breath hitching at some scars on Ilsung that matched his own. 

"So," Jimin began, moving his blue hair away from his eyes, "what exactly happened?" 

Ilsung took a deep breath, "you need to promise me something hyung," Ilsung said, his imperative tone frightened Jimin slightly, though he made a gesture to show the younger to continue. 

"Let me explain myself before you jump to conclusions, try and understand, after you do," Ilsung's breath hitched, "feel free to kick me out." 

Jimin nodded, taking Ilsung's hand in his own. "Just say what you're going to say Ilsung."

The younger nodded, "you know Ja Sejun?"

The blue haired male automatically let go of Ilsung's hands, "y-yes."

"I'm Ja Sejun's son." 

SYNCED 2 | Sejun's ReturnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang