
I suddenly find the edge of the platform very interesting. I try to ignore his gaze but it is hard considering it looks like he wants to murder someone. Come to think of it, I don't think I can name a time when Abaddon didn't look like he wanted to kill something.

What can I say? He's a friendly guy.

I nudge Dem with my elbow, "Looks who's here."

His gaze flicks up for a moment before he looks elsewhere. His lip slightly curls.

"Perfect," I hear him growl.

The crowd hollers. A demoness walks up onto the platform, hands cuffed, flanked by two guards. Their hulking masses overpowering her smaller frame.

She refuses to lower her pointy chin, levelling a stubborn glare towards the crowd. Her eyes blaze with steely determination, refusing to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing her defeated.

Even as her head is lowered onto the execution block.

A small, squat demon follows the trio. His ugly face looks as though someone has shoved it into a brick wall. I won't be surprised if someone actually has. He stands at the end of the daises unwinding a long scroll.

The urge to roll my eyes nearly overpowers me as he begins to read the endless thing. About rules and regulations and everything else. Creatures shift recklessly.

The only thing they want is bloodshed, and it will be achieved one way or another. It only take one to go crazy for the rest to be triggered. 

But this isn't just a nice show purely for pleasure.

This is a sign of power. Of what happens to creatures who step out of place or can't obey simple orders. A sign of what happens to those who defy Lucifer and his commands.

As the demon drones on with his speech, I sneak a glance at Dem. He moves his weight from side to side on the balls of his feet, nervous about how closely Abaddon is watching him.

I can't blame him. Abaddon's gaze barely strays from our spot like a hawk watching mice.

"... for an affair with an angel," my head snaps up at the mention of those feathered freaks.

The crowd hisses and snarls. Demons associating themselves with angels is strictly forbidden in both Heaven and Hell. The punishment for such a thing is immediate execution but having an affair with one? I shudder at the thought.

"Bring them forth!" the little thing calls.

A creature swoops in from the sky and drops something on the platform with a thunk. Tears of blood fall down the females face as she stares at the wings.

A pair of angel wings which, no doubt, have been torn from her lovers back. The golden blood still drying where they should have been attached to shoulder blades.

I stare at the wings dropped so carelessly. It pains me to admit, but they are beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous.

They are the most pure of white, glowing under the hellish sky. Speckles of gold and silver streak and dot the wings like glitter, making them gleam and sparkle like the precious metals and gems that line the palace's walls.

The envy that swarms me is enough to make me want to hit the demon behind me.

Sobs wreck the demoness, oblivious to the howls of satisfaction that wail into the night. Her bloody tears drip down onto the floor leaving red trails on her cheeks.

It's safe to say those ripped wings killed her more than that axe ever will.

That determination once adorning her eyes fades, turning into heart-shattering grief and hopelessness. I don't know what she hoped to achieve with that angel but I know for a fact this wasn't it. Now she is alone in a world that rejects her.

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