Chapter 4

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Ignacia began getting out of her bed at a time where she was certain everyone was fast asleep. It must be way past midnight by now. She carefully opened her door and stepped into the hallway, closing it slowly so that it wouldn't make a sound. She sneaked down the corridor toward the center room and crossed it to the hall on the opposite side. The red-haired girl crept silently down the hallway, aiming for the last door on the left.

Putting one foot in front of the other, she gradually made her way toward it, walking extra quietly as she passed the door to Master Agha's room. The desired doorknob came into reach and she lunged for it, putting her hand on it and twisting it with care, repeating what she did to her own bedchamber door.

The library's candles were already lit and used their light to illuminate the large, book-filled room. Rows upon rows of souring tall bookshelves lined up in the humongous space. A couple of chairs and tables were placed throughout the area, serving the purpose of a person's comfort while reading. How in the world am I going to be able to find what I want? Ignacia gawked at this magnificent place.

Her question was luckily answered as she noticed, at the edge of the room near a set of chairs, stood a small, stone-carved podium with various unique designs etched into it. A closed book rested on top of it. She walked closer to the book until it was in her reach and she could get a better look at it. The cover was all black, with silver letters proclaiming the title.

The Chronological History of Zertima, read Ignacia. Her heart began pounding with excitement, her stomach now holding butterflies. This is exactly what I needed!

The enthusiastic girl flipped the book open to the table of contents, finding the Scourge of Life quickly. She continued to search for the Venom's Curse, but found out that it wasn't in this older book, so she turned to the chapter about the Scourge instead. Master Agha said that the Venom's Curse is rumored to be a reincarnation of the Scourge of Life, Ignacia told herself in her mind. At least I will have a bit more of an idea. She would have looked for a different book that would have the Venom's Curse in it, but she needed to hurry in order to not get caught by Master Agha. Master Agha thinks I'm going to the library in the morning, anyway. I can go again then.

The chapter revealed itself, having the words Scourge of Life written in fancy font at the top of the page. Ignacia dived into reading immediately.

"Before the year of 552, all the provinces, kings and queens of the provinces, and emperors and empresses of Zertima were in peace, no fear or any sort of danger brewing in their midst. In that year, however, Emperor Chalin passed away, allowing, who is most commonly called the Scourge of Life, King Thanatos to claim the title of the king of Blazerg. Right from the beginning of his horrible reign, the people in his province lived in anxiety, some of them for the rest of their lives, as the Scourge fought mercilessly with his armies to take control of all the mage world.

"The Scourge of Life's first conquered province was Cynemolt, two years after he became king. His armies easily defeated King Dierk's own, either adding King Dierk's soldiers into his own army or killing them if they refused. His domain expanded throughout all of Zertima, the overpowered legion vanquishing others in all battles.

"Between and during these onslaughts, villages large and small were raided, the Scourge's soldiers knocking down doors and barging into innocent civilians' homes, taking what they wanted to present to their maleficent leader as a gift, or keep it to themselves. The cruel army was allowed to do whatever was needed in order to get their or the Scourge of Life's way, including killing an entire family. As the invasion departed, the followers of the Scourge usually set the village on fire, slaying the horses as well in order to keep the terrified village people from escaping quicker."

Ignacia stopped as the words came to an end on the page and moved to the next page, that of which was a painting. It would be better if it wasn't this... she thought solemnly. The picture was of a house burning, the flames reaching high in the air, the smoke so black you couldn't make out what was behind it. In front of the house, a soldier was holding tightly on to a young woman, preventing her from fleeing. His hand was raised, holding a black wand. Tears stained the girl's face, her eyes glazed with fear as she knew it was the end of her short life. In the background lay a deceased horse slumped on the ground, its stomach slit open. Blood was pooled around its heavy, still body.

The Mage stared in awe and fear at the harsh painting. Did that really happen? Multiple times? She couldn't believe anyone would want to kill willingly. Zertima used to be so peaceful! What happened to it? Why did both the Scourge of Life and the Venom's Curse choose to take over the world of mages? She paused for a moment. Do they just want power that badly? the red-haired girl wondered. Is a whole province not enough for them? Ignacia shuddered, the questions swirling around in her head endlessly like a tornado. She continued reading.

"The Scourge of Life's dynasty lasted for a painful, long eleven years. He had had Blazerg, Cynemolt, Junul, and Ira under his control by the time the Four Elemental Mages, who had been training for four years since they were all Founded, traveled up to Mage's Peak, battled the Scourge of Life, and slayed him. However, before the fight had finished, the Scourge had managed to kill Edon, the Elemental Mage of Fire. The three other Elemental Mages evaded the three pastrices guarding the castle safely, succeeding in their mission."

Ignacia flinched. The Fire Elemental Mage died? She quickly read on before she thought of anything else.

"As the civilians of Zertima were set free of the treachery and the Scourge of Life's closest followers fled out of fear for being punished and not knowing what to do, the death of the detrimental king was rejoiced across the land, the Elemental Mage of Fire being mourned along with it. Villages hosted festivals for both occasions, memorials being built for not just the Fire Mage, but all the Elemental Mages for what they had done to the mage world.

"From then on, Zertima and its civilians lived in peace and harmony, the regions helping each other in their times of need. No great harm has come and interrupted the consistency, families surviving throughout the land happily and safely."

I'd have to disagree on that last paragraph, Ignacia commented in her mind as she finished the chapter. So this is what the Scourge of Life did to Zertima, she thought to herself. The Elemental Mages defeated him, but one died in the process....

The Fire Mage.

A painful thought hit Ignacia like an arrow to the knee.

We could die.

Ignacia slammed the book shut and hurried to the door of the library, quietly opening and closing it like before. Before she raced down the hallway to her bedchamber, she cast a silent footstep spell on herself with her wand, sprinting toward her room and rushing into it. Once the door was shut again, she threw herself onto her bed, burying her now reddened face into the pillow, tears leaking from her eyes and staining the cushion.

We could fail.

The words repeated themselves over and over in her head until she finally cried herself to sleep.

We could die.

We could fail.

We could die and fail.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :3 Some more history, this time about the notorious Scourge of Life! ...Wouldn't want to have been alive when he was alive, would you? xP

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