Piercing mess

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Zelda didn't mean to do it. Apology after apology spilled out of her mouth. Link reassured her that he was okay , but his bleeding ear said otherwise. The sight of it making Zelda's being fill with guilt.
Link's ear was healed by her magic but as a result his earlobes were closed completely. Which is why they were both at Rusl's house.

Rusl set the necessary supplies on a small wooden table , while Link sat brushing a dirty blonde lock behind his ear. Rusl examined the lobe, confusion spread across his face. "How'd you manage to get em closed up so quick ?" Zelda who stood next to Link, shifted her gaze downward. Link scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "...magic..." Rusl raised an eyebrow. "Magic, huh ?" Link stared over to Zelda. 

"A healing spell ..." Zelda finished quietly. After a painfully awkward silence , the piercing commenced. Rusl rubbed Link's ear with some cold water & grabbed a needle & a rag. Zelda watched curiously and anxiously as he set to work. Link flinched as the needle began penetrating the flesh of his lobe and a pink formed on it. Zelda impulsively grabbed his hand to comfort him. His ears turned bright red , but she assumed it was from the piercing.

Link closed his eyes and squeezed it tightly . Her heartbeat quickened. Warmth dancing along her face. After his ears were done , they thanked Rusl. Zelda offered to pay while Link herded goats but he Rusl refused payment. "Just take care of Link for me." Zelda's face flushed completely. "Pardon ?" Rusl chuckled. "He likes you , ya know ?" Zelda laughed nervously. "Whatever do you mean , Sir ?" He nodded his head to where Link was herding goats. "I see the way you look at him , Princess...the way you held his hand. I'm married , I know that look when I see it."

Link joined them and Rusl said he had to go talk to mayor Bo, leaving them alone. Zelda mentally cursed. "So , I see you get along with Rusl." Zelda nodded. "He's interesting..." Link laughed. "Yep, never a dull moment with him. What'd you talk about ?" Zelda shrugged. "Nothing." Link eyed her suspiciously. "Your highness , if I didn't know any better I'd think you were hiding something." Zelda felt her blood go cold. "Was it about the hand holding ? I'm sorry , that was inappropriate and it'll never happen again. Better ?" Zelda's guilt surfaced in her eyes. "I never said I didn't enjoy it ..." Link smirked. "So you're okay with me doing this ?" He grabbed Zelda's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. Zelda blushed and saw that his face was sprinkled in pink as well.

"Y-yes" He pulled her closer. "Then would this be too much ?" His blue eyes wandered over her lips. She brought her face closer and stared in his eyes. "Not at all."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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