Genii appeared all around them, pointing their weapons at the group. Sheppard swung his P-90 up towards Cowen at the same time Kai leaned into him, pressing her Blade against his skin as hard as she dared without puncturing the skin.

"Lower your Blade Mortii, or your masters will die," Cowen threatened.

"You'll come with me," she threatened.

"Kai," Teyla said after a moment. Confusion shown in the Athosian's eyes. She had never witnessed this side of Kai before.

"Zian," John called sharply. "Stand down," he ordered, though he had no idea if she would actually listen to him. He had seen her fight in the Hive Ship. There was very little controlled about her right now. Her shoulders were heaving with the effort of holding herself still as Genii betrayed them yet again.

Kai knew that if she ever hoped to save her place here she would have to prove her worth to Major Sheppard. She would have to prove that she could listen to him. She jerked back from Cowen, sliding her knife away

Cowen watched with amusement dancing in his eyes. He snorted. "It has a bit of a temper. I thought Instruments were revered for being devoid of emotion," he said.

"Cowen," John warned, the other leader was deliberately trying to instigate Kai now. "I thought we were all just learning how to get along," he said staring down the barrel of his P-90.

Cowen turned to Teyla. "She killed Tyrus."

"No," Teyla denied.

Cowen scoffed. "By leaving him to die, you may just as well have killed him yourself."

Teyla turned to John, her eyes imploring as though he somehow needed convincing of her innocence. "He shot the man we were trying to save."

"It was a mistake to try and save anyone. It jeopardized the mission," Cowen reached into his pocket and lifted out the data drive. "We will keep this intelligence information," he said gravely.

"You're the one making a mistake-" John warned his voice tight.

"And your ship," Cowen interrupted. "And whatever quantities of C-4 you have in your possession."

Teyla scoffed angrily. "That was all you ever intended. To use us."

Cowen arched a brow impassively. "And for your efforts I will spare your lives."

"How generous of you," Kai snapped, her temper flaring.

"I guess the Tava beans are off the table," John said ironically.

"Your weapons," Cowen insisted.

John's jaw tightened. "No, I don't think so."

Cowen looked amused. He gestured around the clearing. "We have the advantage Major."

"Yeah," John agreed, looking around at the men surrounding them. "It certainly looks that way, but I guess I lied too," he said and he reached up and touched his comm. "Jumpers two and three execute."

Behind them two cloaked jumpers appeared. The Genii surrounding them all looked up in awe and fear. Some of them shrunk back, uncertain what to do in the face of such superior technology.

"You didn't really think we only had one ship did you?" John mocked. "Tell your people to get back and nobody gets hurt."

Cowen stared the Major down, refusing to back down.

John refused to break eye contact from the other man's challenge. "Jumper two, prepare to fire on my mark."

"Wait!" Cowen called urgently, realizing the Major wasn't bluffing. "Do you promise to leave?"

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now