2 | The Leaky Cauldron

Start from the beginning

He smiled. This was how receiving good news should be, with family that cared about it. He tried to ignore all the emptiness that was deep in his soul for all those he lost. All his family that we gone. He exhaled.

"The position's yours now." Ron grinned.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Don't you pay attention?" She shot her husband a look.

"I heard him, but it's just like every other one. He'll finish it in no time, get this training done, and then my best friend will be Head Auror. Think you can kick start a possible raise for me?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ronald!" Hermione pushed away and stared at him. "That's an abuse of power! Harry would never do that!"

Harry chuckled. They never changed. Merlin, he hoped they never did.

"Tell us about this assignment," Hermione said, shooting one last glare at Ron then leaning against him.

Hannah came by, laying the Butterbeer on the table, and once again, she moved away to help another patron.

Harry took a sip, closing his eyes for a moment as he enjoyed the drink. Then he put the glass down, leaned forward and tapped his finger against the table. "There's the thief, Fyrefox," he started, and for the next few minutes, he explained to them his newest case. Once finished, they watched him with interest.

"Fyrefox? Who do you suppose it is?" Hermione asked. "Someone in the Ministry? Having gone this long without being caught screams inside information."

That was true. He rubbed his chin. He hadn't thought about that. "Possibly."

"What do you think this Fyrefox wants?" Ron asked, leaning his arm on the table.

Harry shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know." He frowned. "Does that sound familiar to either of you? Fyrefox?" He didn't know why it did, but it bugged him. Like it was on the tip of his tongue. Why did he know that name? How? He rubbed his forehead.

"What're you thinking?" she asked.

"I don't know. I just... feel like that name is something I should know. It just- I don't know." His hand tightened into a fist on the table. His scar on the back side of his hand caught his attention. He stared at it for a moment and sighed.

"It's probably nothing. Maybe you read the name in the Daily Prophet when Fyrefox stole something," Ron pointed out.

"Maybe," he said, looking around and taking in those sitting around them. A witch with blonde hair. A wizard with dark skin. Maybe. But he didn't think so. "I just wish I had something. I need to dig down a bit longer with the information." He looked at his watch. Did he have time to go back to the office tonight? He'd just left, but by now, everyone was gone for the night, and some more time with his files would do him good.

"It's probably some wanker with nothing better to do then cause problems," Ron added then took a sip of his Butterbeer.

"I think it's a bit more complicated than that. Eh, I hope so." He looked at a magical picture on the wall next to him of the pub/inn a few years ago. It rained, and every few second, a lightning strike lit it up. "Regardless, I'd like to catch him already."

"I'm sure." Ron grinned.

"Not because of the promotion," Harry told him, shaking his head.

"Of course not," Ron replied, chuckling and shaking his red head. "Not you. It's probably some noble reason like catching some snot to make the world a better place, am I right?"

Harry glared, tightening his hand around his glass. "That's as good a reason as any." He looked between them, stopping on Hermione, catching a look from her. He adjusted his glasses. "There's more." He told them about the warning.

"That's odd," she said. She robbed up her sleeves. "Robards and Kingsley said as much."

"Yeah." He rubbed his forehead.

Ron looked at his watch. "Bloody hell."

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"I was supposed to help George close the shop tonight." He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I'm late. Damn. If Ginny was around, she'd get me out of this. He always had a soft spot for her." He adjusted his watch.

Harry forced himself not to show any emotion while a bitter feeling formed in the pit of his stomach.

"How could you forget about your brother?" Hermione smacked his arm. "You made a promise. Go now."

"But Harry was talking about a case. I was curious." He got to his feet, grabbing his cloak.


The pair argued, but Harry didn't pay attention. At the mention of Ginny, memories of the beautiful redhead flooded him. Her bright brown eyes, her breathtaking smile, her laughter-

"Fine! I'm going!" Ron threw up his arms. "But can you bring me a Butterbeer in a bit?" he asked, shooting her a sweet smile.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine." She shook her head, but a smile formed on her lips.

"Thanks." He gave her a quick kiss then shook Harry's hand. "See you later."

Harry nodded, and they both watched him walk into the backroom, where the entrance to Diagon Alley, where the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was located. Harry took a sip of his Butterbeer and felt Hermione's gaze on him. Neither said a word, but he knew she was thinking about him and Ginny. She wanted to say something, anything, but it'd been over five years. In the end, though, he never forgot the witch for one second.

Hermione exhaled.

He closed his eyes.

"Harry-" She started, but he cut her off, opening his eyes.

"No. Don't start." He took another sip.

"Something's happening. Everyone's worried, Harry, especially Arthur and Molly. None of them know what to do anymore. They haven't seen her in years. I haven't seen her in months, and that was by accident. She's..." She stopped, looking down at her hands around the glass. "Something's not right."

He opened his mouth then shut it. Something wasn't right? No. He shook his head. "I don't want to talk about her. Please, leave it. You already know how it is. Don't bring it up again." He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. Just thinking about her messed with his head. He exhaled. He didn't want to hear anything else about her.

But if something's up with her, you should check it out. What if she's in trouble?

Then he was the last person she'd want to see. He set his jaw. Ginny was a big girl. She could take care of herself.

"But-" Hermione tried again.

"No," he said, keeping himself from yelling. His hands tightened around his glass. He cleared his throat. "Tell me how work's going."

Her eyes narrowed. "One day I might be your boss. You'll listen to me then," she told him.

"Then I might as well get it all out before it's gone."

"Fine," she said, shaking her head. She changed the subject.

But as she spoke, his mind slipped back to the final battle at Hogwarts. He'd accepted Kingsley's offer to become an Auror without a second thought to help the future of their people. And he'd put his career and the wizarding world before Ginny. That day, he lost her because of it. It was him. He ended it, and there wasn't a thing he could do to change that.


And there's a bit more insight to Ginny and Harry. As you can see, there's so much distance between. Like an ocean. So sad. What're your thoughts? As always, thank you so much for all you support of the BAD series since I first wrote this little book. I know I've taken them all down, but they'll be back <3

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