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TwoBit; it is the 26th, right?

Char; yeah, Christmas was yesterday in case you forgot

TwoBit; my sister came up to me and wished me merry Christmas. i'm very confused.

Alex; ........maybe you're drunk.

TwoBit; ??

Alex; me and Roxanne are hanging out with your sis rn

TwoBit; ????????????????????????????????????????????

A chat with everybody but TwoBit

Soda; you guys did something

Alex; yeppp

Roxanne; we paid her sister to do that and then hide in her room 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Steve; of course you did

Steve; also, jsyk, hes reading this over my shoulder

Alex; 😡😡😡😡😒😒

Roxanne; txs for ruining ittttttttttttt


Hey ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!! This would actually happen XD. Stay gold! Thanks for reading, review and vote, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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