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Soda: it's Christmas Eve!!!
Steve: 🎉
Johnny: .....Dally just asked me if I wanted to break into somebody's house tonight
Dally: just like Santa
Two: do you really wanna get arrested on Christmas Eve?
Dally: I always wanna get arrested
Two: it's a festive season, not an illegal season
Soda: you freaking do something illegal everyday
Two: what?
Soda: in case you forgot, you're not 21
Two: ..........oh yeah I forgot that was illegal!
Soda: 🙄
Two: don't judge me
Ponyboy: news flash, eggnog has alcohol
Soda: really?
Steve: ya learn something new everyday
Darry: you guys didn't know that?
Soda: I've been drinking ALCOHOL?!?
Dally: yep
Darry: ....buying that was not a good idea on my part
Johnny: if ya know TwoBit, not at all
TwoBit: I'll get drunk either ways
Ponyboy: ....weren't you just the one who said it wasn't an illegal season?
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Hope ya liked it, review and vote, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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