XDDDDDDDDDDDD........ this is different

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Soda: i'm bored send help

Roxanne: of course you are

Steve: when isn't he?

TwoBi: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy giyzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ponyboy: that's not how you spell guys

Char: Just let him be TwoBit

Char: its hilarious watching him drunk

Dally: it really is

Steve: for those of us who ACTUALLY HAVE JOBS, i want you all to SHUT THE FRICK UP

Char: I have a job

Char: I'm at it rn 

Alex: yeah but you get to stuff you actually like, LIKE FRICKING MEETING FAMOUS PEOPLE

Alex: while im bored all day waiting for u

Char: its kinda hard to get out of a contract

Char: we asked the director

Char: and plus at least I have a job

Char: *cough cough* Dal. *cough cough* TwoBit.

Dally: shut up

Char; hm, no

Roxanne: TwoBit is drunk too much to get a job

Roxanne: and Dally is just plain lazy

Char: very true

Dally: *rolls eyes* i hate you both

Char: hatred must run in the family then

Ok, this chapter is gonna take some explaining. Alex is: @LlammaLlammaAA , Roxanne is: @fanficorbust, and I'm Char. She's an actress in Harry Potter, and she only get off on weekends, so we always complain about it (hinting at some future stuff in other fanfics here *winks*) and Char actually isn't an Anderson, she's actually Dal's sister who was adopted at an early age. Ok, that all ya'll need to know. Thanks for reading, review and vote, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The Outsiders TextsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora