TwoBit being an idiot

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So guys this idea is not mine, I saw it on a comic, but I don't know who made it, so if it is you, message me and I'll give you credit. Thanks!
A chat with only Ponyboy and TwoBit
TwoBit: we are going to prank Dallas Winston!
Ponyboy: TwoBit no
TwoBit: TwoBit yes!
Ponyboy: I refuse to help you, I really don't wanna die
TwoBit: oh cmon, we'll be fine!
Ponyboy: r u serious?!?
TwoBit: yes!
Ponyboy: Fine Fine... How?
-1 hour later-
The whole gang chat once again
Dally: WHERE IS TWOBIT????!!!!!
Soda: what did he do this time?
Dally: the stupid-
Soda: language
Dally: the stupid... person.... pranked me!!!!
Soda: 😂 seriously?
Dally: YES
Soda: I'm guessing he's gonna die
Dally: yep
Steve: *funeral music plays*
Dally: Nope, it's his fault he died, there will be no funeral
Steve: ok
Soda: wow I'm guessing he doesn't remember the last time he pranked you.
Dally: the time he got a broken rib, yeah I not see him forgetting it.
Soooo yeah that's that. Thanks for reading, review and vote, BYEEEEE

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