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TwoBit: soooooooooooooooooooooo How was school?
Ponyboy: 😠
Johnny: it was painfully boring
TwoBit: 😂
Steve: meanwhile here we had a 1 hour 1/2 long staring contest
Soda: I won
Dally: how do you have and hour and half long staring contest?
Soda: bc we're awesome
Dally: no, how is it physically possible?
Soda: just don't look away for that long, TwoBit was the judge
TwoBit: yep, also I did my best to try and make one of em look away
TwoBit: it worked after an hour and a half.
Johnny: oh and btw some teacher came up to me in study hall and asked why y'all weren't at geometry or something for the past two days
Johnny: I said u were sick
Steve: 👌🏼 quality excuse
TwoBit: txs kid
Johnny: np
Dally: guys I'm dead
Soda: I've been dead longer
Dally: no legit I'm dyeing
TwoBit: howwww??
Dally: I think I broke some ribs
Steve: ugh they suck
Two: still doesn't mean your dyeing. #dramaqueen
Dally: 🙄
TwoBit: how did u even break ribs?
TwoBit: 🙄 Tim Shepard's broken some of your ribs b4
Dally: yeah but I wasn't complaining then bc I don't hate Tim soooooooooooo
TwoBit: 🙄
Soda: anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Steve we have to go to work
Steve: k
Soda and Steve have left the chat
Darry: can y'all stop blowin up my phone? I'm tryina work
Dally: can't help ya there Darry-o. Just leave the chat
Darry: 🙄
Darry has left the chat
TwoBit: I'm figurin I'm gettin rip-roarin drunk later. Anyone wanna come?
Ponyboy: when have I ever said yes?
Johnny: nope
Dally: sure
TwoBit: Welp then, I'm leavin the chat 4 now so I can actually sleep tomorrow morning without the notifications
Dally: same
TwoBit and Dally have left the chat
This is basically just what I think would happen everyday lol, Steve and Soda having staring contests, TwoBit being an alcoholic (lol like normal), Darry being a buzzkill at work, Ponyboy and Johnny being Ponyboy and Johnny, and Dally just being Dally. Thanks for reading, review and vote, BYEEEEEEE

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