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Steve: TwoBit you were so drunk last night 😂
TwoBit: ???
Steve: you went up to a random old guy with a beard and said 'take me to Hogwarts Dumbledore'
TwoBit: sounds like me 😂
Dally: ...I didn't even know you read HP
TwoBit: eh, read the first one for a project
Ponyboy: wait!
Ponyboy: you can read?
TwoBit: ....well no der how else could I have decided that Twilight was stupid?
Ponyboy: you read Twilight?!?
Ponyboy: holy (insert word here) I didn't even know you could read
TwoBit: ...I'm legit in high school I couldn't have passed second grade if I couldn't read
Ponyboy: who knows? Ya could have forgotten how to read, you still being a junior and all
TwoBit: 🙄
Steve: also the fact that he LIKES SCHOOL may have something to do with the fact he can read
Steve: who likes school?
TwoBit: me
Steve: this is why your an alcoholic.... BECAUSE YOU LIKE SCHOOL
Ponyboy: doesn't make you drink alcohol
Sorry this is shorter then normal, I'm really trying to publish a lot of chapters here! Thanks for reading, review and vote, BYEEEEEEEE

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