Lol im dead

358 9 3

Steve: ughhhh I don't wanna go back to school!
Ponyboy: me eitherrrrr
TwoBit: eh, I like school
Steve: HOW?!?
TwoBit: idk
Johnny: ikr
TwoBit: eh
Dally: heh sucks to be y'all
Ponyboy: 😴 I just wanna sleep
Steve: can I just, like, quit school?
Soda: yeah I mean you caaaan but do you want to?
Steve: I don't wanna go to school I just wanna go to sleep
TwoBit: "I don't wanna go to school, I just wanna break the rules"
Soda: isn't that a song from like 800 years ago?
TwoBit: I dunno I just randomly thought of the lyrics
Steve: you have fun breaking the rules, I'M GOING TO SLEEP
Dally: yo so I'm totally getting arrested rn if you actually wanna break the rules
TwoBit: I have to go to school.
Steve: screw it I'm ditching
Soda: yesssssss now I won't be bored
TwoBit: you won't be bored?!? We actually have to go to school!
Steve: 🙄 I thought u liked school?
TwoBit: don't mean I enjoy going for seven hours, I just like going for kicks.
Ponyboy: you mean you like going so you can see how many times you can get away without detention in one day?
TwoBit: ya pretty much.
TwoBit: my record is 17 times
Steve: how do u get away without detention that many times?
TwoBit: pretty much just by saying 'pretty sure my name entitles me to being hilarious' considering only like one teacher knows my real name or I crack a joke or somethin
Steve: while that works for you TWOBIT, the rest of us actually have to deal with it
TwoBit: Welp, I'm ditching too
Soda: yessss why?
TwoBit: bc we have a math test today
Steve: OH YEAH!!!!!
TwoBit: and idk anything about Geometry
Steve: ya know we're gonna have to take the test one of these days?
TwoBit: ya but I can hold it off
Hey y'all! Yeah I'm case you couldn't tell, I'm going back to school today... AISBSKAAKNSSJISJSJSIAIAJJ (my emotions) thanks for reading, review and vote, BYEEEEEEEEE

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