More 3am... im boring part 2!!!

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Soda: kk be out in 1
Steve: srsly?
Soda: yeah why not?
TwoBit: Bye ole friend
Dally: where r u?
Soda: calm down I'm walking outside now.
Dally: ok lets do this!!!!!!!
So, they fight, and Dally goes fully insane when Soda ends up still standing
Dally: how the heck r u still up?!?!?
Soda: I'm awesome that's how
Steve: 🎉
TwoBit: wow we were planning a funeral I guess all our hard work is for nothing
Johnny: yeah, good thing that. TwoBit thought the best way to get rid of a body was to throw it in a dumpster..... the cops would definitely find us
Dally: I hate u
Soda: 😊 I couldn't help but notice that awesoME ends in me, and Ugly starts with u.
Dally: hahahah fight me
Soda: Haha alright. Try not to cry when i dominate you again :)
TwoBit: The village called. They'd like their idiot back. You better get going.
Soda: and why am I suddenly the idiot?
TwoBit: bc once again, you're fighting Dal
Soda: so? I beat him last time 😂
Johnny: beginners luck
Soda: Oof Johnnycakes
Johnny: sorry not sorry

Soda: and why am I suddenly the idiot?TwoBit: bc once again, you're fighting DalSoda: so? I beat him last time 😂Johnny: beginners luckSoda: Oof JohnnycakesJohnny: sorry not sorrySoda:

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Dally: I'd tell you how I really feel, but I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to express myself in this case.
Soda: Oof, but honestly not the best comeback you've had
Dally: Earth is full. Go home.
Soda: you're at my house
Dally: If you're waiting for me to care, I hope you brought something to eat, 'cause it's gonna be a really long time.
Soda: actually, I couldn't care less
Steve: u suck at comebacks
Soda: txs love u too best frand!
So this is part 2 of a text story I made a while ago... a review gave me an amazing idea, so thank youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!

The Outsiders TextsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora