Day 3 Part 1 - Elwin's Office

Start from the beginning

Sophie laughed and nodded, "probably a good idea."

Fitz laughed and helped her out of the cot. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah," Sophie replied. "Sorry about the way I reacted."

"That's okay. I get it."

Fitz's created a path of light and they both light leaped to Everglen. It was still fairly early in the morning so they headed to Fitz's room. 

"I am going to get dressed," Sophie said, heading to the bathroom. She closed the door and put on the same dress and shoes as yesterday since she barely wore them because Biana insisted on changing dressed for Matchmaking Scrolls.

She walked out when she was finished and Fitz was waiting for her.

"How are you always done before me?" Sophie asked.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," Fitz replied.

They laughed and then Sophie said, "so, what do we do?"

"Well, it's 7:30 and Mom always has breakfast ready at 8:00, so we have a few minutes. I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"Well.......does Della need any help in the kitchen?" Soohie suggested.

Fitz didn't look like that's what he had in mind, but he didn't argue. He gently took Sophie's hand and they walked down to the kitchen. They dropped hands before they saw Della, though.

"Della?" Sophie said looking for Della. 

"Over here," a voice from the pantry called.

"We were wondering if you needed any help with breakfast."

"Oh, Sophie that's very kind of you, but I don't think so. However, since you two are down here why don't you treat yourself?" Della pulled out two large plates of mallowmelt. "Here."

"Mom, what about breakfast?" Fitz asked.

"That can be your breakfast if you want."

Della didn't have to tell Sophie twice. Before Fitz even started his Sophie had ate half of hers.

"Slow down," Fitz said. "You're eating like a pig."

Sophie glared at him. Fitz just laughed. 

"It's hard to glare at someone when they have mallowmelt all over their face," he said. He took his hand and brushed the mallowmelt off of her face. Sophie blushed and looked down. 

"You guys are so cute together!" Della squealed before going back to cooking.

Did you tell her? Sophie transmitted. About us?

No. I don't want to tell anyone. It will just cause problems.

I agree. Let's keep quiet for now.

They heard feet coming down the stairs and a minute later everyone else walked in.

"Woah, Foster. What are you doing here with Fitz? And why do I smell mallowmelt? Ah ha! Caught you red handed!" Keefe teased.

"Leave them alone," Biana said. 

"I am hungry!" Tam said.

"Me too," Linh agreed.

They all sat down around a large wooden table and dug into their breakfast. Well, except for Fitz and Sophie since they had already ate.

After they finished Dex said, "so guys, what do you want to-"

He was cut of by a sharp knock on the door.

"It's the Council,"  Fitz said. "They must be delivering our Scrolls."

They all walked outside to face the Council.

"What do you want?" Sophie said skipping over her curtsie.

"That-" Alina started.

"Alina," Emery said. "Let me do the speaking."

Emery handed out everyone's scrolls. "We expect an answer in one week. Oh, and we have come up with a new rule. You must go on at least one date with the person listed on your Matchmaking Scroll."

Sophie grumbled. Great. Now she was going to have to go on a date with whoever was on their Scroll. Fabulous. Fantastic. Why didn't the Council just go ahead and name their expirement "The Epic Disaster"?

"One week," Emery said as the Council glittered away.

"Let's open them!" Biana said excitedly.

"Yeah, I want to see who is on mine!" Dex agreed. 

They all walked into the house and up into Biana's room. 

"On the count of three?" Tam asked.

"Okay," Linh said and everybody nodded.

"One," Fitz said.

"Two," Keefe said.

"THREE!!!!" Biana said.

Everyone tore open their Scrolls, but Sophie neatly undid her, not ripping the red ribbon that kept the Scroll together.

Sophie heard her friends gasp and talk quietly.

Sophie took a deep breath. She was going to need a deep breath.

Everything okay? Fitz transmitted.

Yeah. Just nervous.

It will be okay. Everything will be okay. I am here for you. But why don't you open the scroll? Don't keep yourself waiting. Whatever it is, whoever it is, it will be okay.

Okay. Thank you Fitz.

Fitz had given Sophie the courage to open the Scroll. Even if the name wasn't Fitz, she could always marry him. They would just be a Bad Match. Fitz was still in "their little group" as the Council had called it, so she could still marry him.

Why was she thinking about this? She didn't even know who was on her Scroll yet!

Sophie rolled the Scroll completely open so she could read the name written in squiggly, black letters.

I know, terrible ending. Sorry!! I would like to thank you ALL so much. I love it when people comment and comments have been EXPLODING lately and that fills me with so much happiness!! So, thank you guys! I also would like to thank you for all the reads. We are so close to one thousand! By the way, when we hit 10K (10,000) I publish TWICE in one day!! And I am doing it for you guys. YOU are the reason I am writing this. This would not have been possible without you and other amazing people. Give yourself a round of applause!

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