Time skip

It was night in the city and Peter was looking over the city from a ledge. He still wore his red and blue suit not wanting to spend the time changing into his more stealthy suit. As he was looking around Felicia and miles jumped down on the roof behind him.

"Hey peter." Miles said. Peter turned to him.

"Miles? What are you doing here? Your patrol day was yesterday." Peter said.

"I know. I just thought that maybe I should join you again for a little bit today. There's only an hour between now and my curfew I thought I could do something." Miles said.

"Go home miles. We agreed you'd only be Kid-arachnid once a week. You're a kid, you have school and responsibilities that take priority first. Being a superhero comes after all that." Peter said.

"But tomorrow's Saturday. And I already finished all my other stuff. One hour isn't going to do anything." Miles said trying to convince peter. But peter wasn't budging.

"No. Miles." Peter said.

"Come on. Cut the kid a little slack. He's just trying to be like you." Felicia said. Peter looked at her.

"I don't want him to be like me. He needs to be better then me. Which means in this point of his life he needs to focus on school rather then being a superhero." Peter said. Peter walked off to the side. "Go home miles. End of discussion." Peter then jumped up and began to swing around. Miles watched him then looked at his suit. Clenching his fist he went after peter. Peter then landed on the side of a building. When miles joined him peter glared at him. "What are you doing kid. Go home." Peter said sternly.

"No! You gave me this suit because you believed I could make it as a hero! And I'm gonna prove to you that I can!" He said. Peter jumped away in a attempt to leave miles behind. He landed on a rooftop where Felicia rejoined him. Miles wasn't far behind either. "You think you can just leave me behind? I'm not just some kid, remember. I'm just like you! Where ever you can go, I can follow!" Miles said angry that peter tried to leave. Suddenly peter caught a vibration of something move fast and had lots of power behind it.

"You both need to go. Now." Peter said.

"What?" Felicia asked confused. Peter looked at them both. There wasn't anymore time. Peter shot two webs that grabbed both Felicia and Miles then yanked them away from where they were. Not even a half a second later something crashed into where they had been standing. Miles and Felicia landed behind peter. They rolled on a ground and came to a stop several feet behind him. They looked and saw what was no occupying the space they had been in before. It was a man. A rather large man. Had the body of a major league football player. His muscles bulged as he stood. His back was to the three of them. When he turned around they saw that he had a disturbing and evil grin on his face.

"Hello Spider-Man." He said darkly.

"Eddie." Peter said as he got into a fighting stance.

"It's been sometime since we last met. Last time we met was seven years ago.... We see you brought us some new toys. We will enjoy breaking them." Eddie said.

"What did you do with Anne." Peter said. Eddies eyebrows went up.

"She is ours. We just took her back. But that information will be of no use to you, because in a few second you will be dead!" He yelled. His right arm morphed, becoming black and the size of construction beam. He slammed it down on the roof causing cracks in it. Parts of the roof fell in. Peter grabbed miles and Felicia with webs before jumped away. He landed on another rooftop that was over two hundred feet away. Venom soon joined them. "Interesting.... That was quite a leap you took there. You couldn't do that before." Eddie said. Peter glared at him.

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