As they approached the area, they could hear some voices making them hurriedly walked to the clubroom and change and ran to the gym.

"Sorry we're late!" Yamaguchi greeted while panting.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ukai's POV

"Uncle, Do you mind going to the drugstore first?" Rina groaned as I was about to go down the stairs to the shop.

I turned around and I saw her leaning on her door frame with her hair tied in a messy bun and pale complexion. She's wearing her black pajama pants and red sweater. I looked at her worriedly and approached her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her as I placed the back of my hand on her forehead.

"Your burning up. I think you shouldn't go to school today, take a rest." I said worriedly.

"Yeah, I know. It's just a fever and a slight headache. Can you buy me some medicines?" She groaned.

"Sure, I'll buy sou some painkillers and some for your fever. Just go take a rest, I'll be fast..." I told her and she nodded. She slowly closed the door and I turned around.

"Oh and please buy also some medicine for coughs. I think I'm having one sooner or later..." she called out then she cleared her throat and closed the door. I made a sigh and went downstairs.

She overexerted herself again. I knew this would happen. Well, atleast she's not suddenly fainting like those times before. I better watch over her more. she seriously needs to take care of herself. I don't want her to repeat the same thing again. She's been through so much. She may not show it, but she's still affected by her past.

"Mom!!I'm going to the drugstore! Watch over the shop for a few minutes!" I called and then she came out from the kitchen.

"Why are you going to the drugstore?" She asked as she appears while wiping her hands. Looks like she's washing the dishes.

"I'm going to buy some medicines for Rina. She's having a fever..." I explained and as I tucked my hands in my pockets and went out of the store.

"Ok then!" She screamed. I then took out a cigarette and lit it and puff the smoke in to the air as I walk to the drugstore, a few miles from my shop.

I was actually happy when I found out that Rina chose to join the volleyball club. Because I knew, that the members in the club will be able to help her, knowing them, they treat each other as a family.

I want Rina to able to be happy again. Not because I promised her father, which is my brother, but because I know she's a great girl and she doesn't deserve all of this pain.

"Oi!Keishin!" I whipped my head around as soon as I was pulled out of my thoughts and heard my name.

"Hm?Takinoue? Do you need something?" I asked him as soon as he approached me.

"Are you off somewhere? I was about to go to your shop..." he asked

"Ah, I'm out to buy some medicines for Rina. She's having a fever..."I told him as I made an exasperated sigh.

"So her body finally gave up. Did she faint?" He asked as he walked with me to the drugstore.

"Nope, Not this time. But I'm hoping it won't happen again. She seriously needs to take care of herself more. I can't do this on my own..." I said as I made a sigh.

"She's still reckless and stubborn huh? No wonder. I'm getting worried also. You seriously need to talk to her..."

"I did, but she never listens. Why don't you try to talk to her? You and Shimada are closed with her eversince her elementary days..."

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