Scene 1 - A brief origin

Start from the beginning

The first slide encompasses the first four main stars, the second with the next four main stars, the third being based of the original 60s British television series created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, whilst the fourth is for the special effects director.

As the spinning finishes, the doors to the Rat Trap open back up for Joe to disembark on the ground level as the BIG RAT computer slides back now that the transfer is complete. Joe waits patiently for further instructions from his father, still holding his radio, and Sam who viewed the entire, incredible process.


Alright. Now, what is the storage access time of the French C3400 Computer?


The answer is five Nano seconds.

Sam waits in excitement when an even more excited Mac delights that the process has worked.


Is that the correct answer Mac?


That is the correct answer!

With Joe still sat in the Rat Trap, he begins to feel smug of the accomplishment. The picture zooms out, then back in to reveal a new shot and new scene like the original. After approximately an hour, Sam stands tall to endlessly ask Joe random but military-related questions who is sat in the Rat Trap chair on ground level, whilst his father proud of his achievement sits back on the sofa.


Mac it's been a long interrogation but, I just want to ask Joe one more question.


Ok Sam. But then I think we will call it a day.


Right Mac, now Joe we have talking over an hour about the C3400 Computer, my last question, how many transistors are used in it.


That's easy, none. Pulse light beams and integrated circuits make them unnecessary.


(In great excitement) Oh Mac it's incredible, just incredible!


Well Sam, as far as I'm concerned, it's just a - a dream come true.


How long will Joe retain all this knowledge?


As soon as we remove the electrodes, he'll be back to normal.

Joe feels once again, smug about himself about completing this experiment. The basement dims as the lights have been switched off in the room, even the incredible BIG RAT stands rather murky in the lifeless room, leaving through the lift at the front of the basement are Mac, Joe and Sam who all stand in the lift together as it shuts behind them before making a conversation in the lift.


It all seems like a dream dad; how did I do?


You did just great Joe.


Well Sam, what do I ask complex computers? Tell me, how much is this invention worth?

The lift reaches the ground floor and opens wide up for the three to exit to the cottage, but only reveals a basic white and orange panelled wall with the cottage door placed in the centre of the wall. The cottage itself is in precise detail to the cottage of the original series; the photos, sofas, bookshelf, lamppost, stairs escalating upstairs, old-fashioned phone, etc. The three have now returned to the cottage's lounge with Sam surprised at Mac and the BIG RAT compared to the rest of the house.


You know Mac every time I emerge from that laboratory of yours I'm surprised to find myself in an old English cottage.


That's the way we like it Sam, a combination of the old and the new.


You were asking how much this new invention was worth. Look do me a favour will you, before you mention this to another living soul just give me twelve hours.


How do you mean Sam?


I've got an idea how this could be used to produce a greater benefit than I'm sure than you have ever visualized.

He carefully synchronizes his watch and looks back up to Mac.


Twelve hours Mac. Is it a deal?

There is a long pause between the two gentlemen as Mac carefully thinks over the agreement.


It's a deal.

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