"Hello." You hear a mans low voice and look to the doorway at the end of the room, he didn't look familiar to you.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" You ask politely as he walks closer to you, his hair was a deep brown with small curls at the end; grey strands began to show and tried to blend in but were clearly noticeable. His eyes were a light brown that glowed every time a single hint of light hit them.

"I'm Elliore. Your father in law." He smiled at you, something didn't sit well with this but... you didn't remember anything, maybe he's telling the truth.

"I don't remember anything...?" Your brows twitch and he gives you a reassuring smile.

"You hit your head very hard when you slipped and fell in the kitchen." He sits at the edge of the bed next to your feet and you look him in the eyes before bringing your hand to the back of your head.

"My head doesn't hurt though?" You were defiantly not sure about this situation.

"I guess you're lucky then?" He chuckles.

"You call forgetting everything lucky?" Your tone was slightly snappy, you saw his muscles tense and you had instant regret for the way you spoke to him. The feelings that produced from being around him made you uncomfortable and angry. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to sound so rude." You place your hand over your mouth sheepishly, he laughs and gently rests his hand on your shoulder. The simple touch that would normally comfort one, made you want to grab his wrist and snap it out of instinct. You had no clue to where this thought came from but you pushed it aside thinking it's nothing, you heard footsteps out in the hallway when the floor boards creaked from the persons weight. You wanted to hide, why did you want to hide? You watched the door as someone came into view, they were tall with a perfectly chiseled face and strong body shape. Tanned skin and dark brown curly hair similar to Elliore, he looked up at you with his honey eyes.

Looking at him made you want to ball your eyes out, there was something that infuriated your every bone and blood cell in your body from looking at him. His face fell into a frown when he met your eyes, his upper body was stiff as he trudged over to the other side of the bed.

"Hello father." He greeted Elliore and you look away. If Elliore is your father in law... does that mean he's your husband?

"Conner." Elliore nods his head at him and looks to you. "This is Conner, your husband. Just in case you forgot." He smiles warmly and you look up to the man on your left who claimed himself as your husband. He gave you a short smile before lifting the covers off the bed and slowly sliding in, you saw the pain in his eyes and wondered what it was from. "I'll leave you two to chat." Elliore smiles at you before removing himself from the room, you wait until the last bit of him vanished from sight.

"Conner?" You look down to see his eyes shut but he was still awake. He peeled one eye open and looked at you.

"Hm?" He hums before closing his eye again, he tried not to move while laying on his back. His breathing was sharp and you could see his chest wasn't rising steadily.

"What's wrong?" You place your hand on his and you saw him tense.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He breathed out before hissing and scrunching his face up.

"Conner. Get up, something isn't right." You ordered him, he turned his head and looked at you. You bounced your brows at him and tilted your head mentally telling him to do what you say, he slowly got up but let soft muffled groans escape his lips as he did so. You slowly lift his black shirt from his back to see long red blistered scars running across his back, they looked new and fresh as they slowly blended into the others that looked like they were still healing. "Oh my..." You hold your hand to your mouth and lift the shirt higher. "Conner, you need to take this off. The cotton will stick to you." You watched as small patches leaked blood, you pull the shirt up from his body and help him remove it.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now