Chapter 14

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When I finally woke up after passing out for the second time that day, the room was full of SWAT members. The cage that had held Loki and then Thor was now gone, and dread settled in my gut as I realized what exactly had happened. Director Fury knelt beside me examining my injuries. He looked even more upset than usual!
"Director? What happened?"
"Oh good, you're awake," he replied somewhat sarcastically, "I was about to ask you the same thing."
"I don't know, I was attacked on my way here and knocked unconscious. Where's Thor, is he okay?"
"We don't know."
My eyes flicked around the room trying to take in everything going on and trying to piece together what I had missed. I looked next to me and my eyes widened when I recognized the bloody form of Agent Coulson.
"C-Coulson?" I asked weakly. A large gun sat smoking in his lap and his eyes were closed, a small trickle of blood running from the corner of his mouth down to his chin.
"Agent Coulson?!"
"He's gone," Fury said. A lump formed in my throat and I held back the urge to cry. We were never friends, exactly, but he was a close acquaintance of mine. I knew exactly who had killed him too, causing me further pain. Nick stood up and offered me his hand, signalling that it was time for me to leave and go somewhere safer. I accepted his help and he slung my arm over his shoulder to help me out of the room. As we left, I looked back at Coulson's body one last time and tears welled up in my eyes. We lost a good man that day.
"Where are we going? I can probably make it from here," I asked while we were walking down the hall.
"I'm taking you to the infirmary. You're pretty beaten up and you may have a concussion."
"Yeah I can make it there okay. Thanks for your help Director."
"No problem (l/n)."
I let my arm fall to my side and gave him a weak smile. He patted my shoulder and strode down the hall back to the room. I watched him for a minute then turned as well and walked to the infirmary.
The small clinic was full of guards and soldiers being tended to, and I almost turned and left before a nurse came up to me.
"(Y/n) (l/n)?"
"Yes, that's me."
"Fury said you'd be coming, but he said you'd be unconscious."
"Yeah, just woke up."
She smiled and began leading me down the large room to an empty bed. Along the way, I recognized a few people. Avery sat on one bed with a bandage wrapped around her arm and a few stitches on her forehead.
"Avery! Are you okay?"
"Ms. (l/n)!" she stood up and looked at me worriedly, "what happened?"
"Uh-uh, you first. What happened to you?"
"Oh, just got a little roughed up is all. How about you?"
"I got jumped in the hall. I managed to stab one of them in the arm."
"I think I saw that guy! He has a lot of stitches on his arm and was talking about how he didn't remember how he got it!"
"What? Where is he?"
"A few beds down. Last name is Jordans."
"Thanks Avery!"
"No problem!"
I joined my nurse's side and we walked to the man's bed. He sat on his bed examining the injury I gave him.
"Jordans?" I asked quietly.
He turned his face to look at me and I knew it was him. However, instead of having blue eyes like before, his were a dark brown.
"Hi, uh, do I know you?"
So he was being controlled then.
"No, I don't think so. You were under mind control when we......met."
"Oh. I don't suppose you any idea of what happened to my arm?"
"About that," I said, feeling slightly guilty for stabbing a man that had no idea what he was doing. I went on to explain what had happened and that I was the one that gave him that nasty injury. His eyes widened when he found out that he had nearly killed me, and he apologized profusely. I made it clear to him that I bore no hard feelings to the poor man, and my nurse eventually dragged me away to treat my injuries.
"Yeah you've definitely got a concussion. Don't sleep for the next 24 hours, it could mess with your head!"
"Yes ma'am."
"Here's some ibuprofen for the pain, and an ice pack for your eye. Apply pressure to it on and off for the rest of the day, when it melts let me know and I'll get more."
"Thank you, will do!"
The woman nodded and left to tend to other patients, so I eventually went on my way back to my room. As soon as I opened the door I flung myself on to my bed and curled up in a little ball. I knew I wasn't supposed to sleep, but the urge was almost too much for me to handle! Sighing, I grabbed my phone and balanced my ice pack on my eye. Maybe I should call (b/f/n)!

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