Chapter 13

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I sprinted down the hall to Loki's cell hoping to any god up there that I got to him in time. A loud boom filled my ears and the hellicarrier shook, knocking me off my feet. An explosion.
"Shit," I said, realizing that I might not get to Loki when I wanted to. I got up and ran faster, dodging guards that were running to the source of the blast, which slowed me down considerably, and I soon found myself taking another more empty route. "Oh my gods please let me get there before it's too late!"
A few guards ran down the hall from the direction of Loki's cell and I stopped them.
"Is Loki alright? What's going on?" I asked breathlessly. One of them chuckled evilly and I realized that both guards had bright blue eyes, the same color as the stone in Loki's scepter.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me," dread filled my voice. I turned and ran in the opposite direction, hoping that maybe I could outrun them instead of resorting to hand-to-hand combat. I knew a little bit of martial arts, but nothing that could protect me from heavily armed and highly trained SWAT members! However, they caught up to me and I had to fight them. I swung a punch to one's face, hoping I hit his nose, and kicked the other in his groin when he grabbed me from behind. His grip loosened and I rolled away from him and tried to sprint away again, only to be grabbed by the wrist and yanked down. I fell back and hit my head on the ground hard. Stars mingled at the edges of my vision and I groaned. Someone grabbed my (h/l) hair and I cried out in pain as he began dragging me down the hall, his friend laughing. I swung around, my hair still in the attacker's grip, and grabbed the knife sticking out of his black boot. Without hesitation, I sunk it into his arm, instantly falling to the ground and springing back up. I turned around to run again, but as if in a movie, I came face to fist with the other guard and fell again, and I felt my eye beginning to bruise and swell. I tried to get up again, but this time however the man I had stabbed pulled out his gun and aimed it at my head.
"Stupid little bitch," he said. My eyes widened and I tried to move away, but was stopped by a wall. His friend stopped him from pulling the trigger however, and said, "Wait, I think boss will want this one."
The one I stabbed grinned and nodded, then turned his gun around and hit me hard in the head with the butt of his gun, instantly knocking me out.
When I woke up, I was being dragged down the hall again. Either this was a really long hall, or I hadn't been unconscious for very long. I could only one eye however, the my left eye was swollen shut and definitely felt very bruised. A door opened and I was hoisted up nearly to my normal standing height. My arms slung over both men's shoulders and I recognized the room we were in! In front of me stood Loki's cell, but instead of the raven haired god inhabiting it, Thor stood glaring at someone next to us. His eyes flicked to me and his anger was replaced with worry.
"Lady (y/n)?" he said, eyeing my injuries.
The person he was originally shooting mental daggers at stepped in front of us. Loki.
"We found this one on her way to see you. We thought you might want to deal with this one yourself. Sorry she got a bit ruffed up on our way," one of the men chuckled.
A look of shock and guilt flashed in Loki's eyes, but it was fleeting. He grinned and said, "Ah yes, my dearest (y/n)! Thank you for bringing her to me," he turned to the rest of the people in the room, "You all may leave, I have some private matters I need to tend to!"
I was dropped to the floor like a doll and groaned in pain as my head throbbed. Everything ached in my body and all of my energy was drained after fighting and getting knocked unconscious. Once everyone in the room was gone, Loki knelt by my side and gently picked me up and propped my back up against a nearby wall.
"Are you alright?" he asked frantically, cupping my cheek in one hand.
"Absolutely peachy," I said sarcastically.
"I-I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen to you! Why didn't you go somewhere safe like I had told you?!"
"I did, but everyone there began fighting and I think it got blown up."
Loki looked at me sadly and I held the hand on my cheek, "Loki, I'm okay! Just a bit beat up that's all," then I turned my attention to Thor, "What are you going to do with your brother?"
"I don't entirely know yet," Loki replied with a hint of evil.
"Loki please promise me you won't hurt him! He's a good man really! He's been trying to get you out of here this whole time!"
"Are you well lady (y/n)?" Thor called out upon hearing his name.
"I could be worse my friend!" I replied. My head started spinning again and black spots started clouding my vision, "Okay, maybe not so great."
Loki looked at me with concern and said, "(Y/n) are you feeling alright?"
"I think I'm passing out again. They must have hit me harder than I thought!"
The spots became bigger and every sound was muffled and distant as I felt myself going unconscious again. Boy is this embarrassing! Was my last thought before everything went black.

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