Chapter 1

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"Honestly (y/n), how on Earth did you manage to get us invited to a party as prestigious as this? In Germany, no less?" my best friend (b/m/f/n) asked, slightly peeved that I likely had something to do with our invitations.
"I may or may not have a few friends helping me out," I giggled, linking my arm through his as we walked around the large marble lobby. It was large and filled with all sorts of elegantly dressed people. There were women in long dresses, some of them sparkled and others were covered in the softest velvet I had ever seen. The men look just as elegant, wearing crisp tuxedos and shimmering ties, some of which had opals or other beautiful gems embedded into their tie clips or bow ties. As we wandered, we admired the occasional painting, statue, or simply just stopped to listen to the band playing beautifully orchestrated classical music.
"Do you know when you'll be called in to interrogate someone?" my friend asked me as we mingled with the other guests. "No, but it shouldn't be too long before I'm needed. SHIELD has a lot of enemies after all!" I had recently been hired by SHIELD, or Nick Fury and a group called the Avengers specifically, to work as their interrogator for terrorists they catch. I pretty much just asked the bad guys cliche questions like why they're doing this, if they work for someone, who they work for or who sent them, what made them become bad, stuff like that. It was boring, but it paid well! I hadn't been called in for anything yet, but I had a feeling that it wouldn't be long until I was needed. SHIELD had so many enemies it couldn't be long before I was called in! I wondered what my first subject would be like, or what they did...
As if on cue, a movement on the walkway on the opposite side of the room caught my eye. A rather beautiful man with long, ebony colored hair walked across the balcony. In his hand he held a dangerous looking staff with a blue stone that seemed to glow! We made eye contact as he made his way down the stairs and he grinned at me, but it was more malicious than friendly. Evil flashed in his blue eyes and I shivered. The man looked at the host below him with ill intent, and I knew something bad was going to happen. "Hey (b/m/f/n)?"
"Huh?" my friend said, shoving a stolen cookie from the banquet table into his tuxedo pocket and another in his mouth.
"Something bad is about to happen, I can feel it. Get to the door now," I said. I kept an eye on the man as he made his way over to the host who was too busy thanking everyone for coming and how well his company was doing to pay attention to the intimidating stranger. Several guards made their way over to the dark haired man, but he easily got rid of them with practically a flick of his wrist! He then flipped the host onto a marble bench in the center of the large room and held him down with one hand. People started backing away, not knowing what this man was doing, and accidentally pushing me and (b/m/f/n) to the front of the crowd, which was less than enjoyable for us!
He pulled an evil looking gadget that slightly resembled a pen out of his pocket and stabbed the man's eye, filling the room with a hair raising, high pitched whirring sound! (B/m/f/n) looked as if he were going to puke, and I felt myself paling, unable to tear my eyes away from the twitching form of the host!
The man grinned again, watching as chaos unfold around him as guests screamed and stampeded to the door. (B/m/f/n) and I ran as well, trying not to get trampled as we ran out of the building trying to get away from the horror inside.
Everyone gathered in a small courtyard across the street as we waited for the police and an ambulance to arrive. My friend and I finally stopped and looked at each other, trying to catch our breath. "Are you okay?" he asked me.
"Yeah, yeah I think so!" I said, swallowing hard. What the hell was that? Who was that guy? (B/m/f/n) and I began trying to calm each other down, but we didn't have much time to collect our thoughts unfortunately. The man began appearing all around us, or at least it looked like the same one. These ones wore black and green robes and a golden, horned helmet on their heads. "Kneel before me!" one of them said, several people shrieked and backed away. More began appearing, and I noticed the raven haired villain walking out of the building.
His clothes began glowing gold as they faded and turned into the same outfits the holograms were wearing. A police car made its way down the street quickly, but the man shot a ray of blue light at it and the car flipped onto its back and skidded down the road behind him. Finally he stopped in front of us and screamed at the top of his lungs, "KNEEL!" Everyone did as he demanded, not wanting to be the subject of his wrath.
(B/m/f/n) and I exchanged looks of terror as we knelt as well. We gripped each other's hands tightly, trying to find some comfort. "(Y/n) you work with SHIELD, what do we do?!" he hissed.
"I don't know! I just ask these freaks questions!" I whispered back. The strange man went on to talk about how us mortals were meant to be submissive, that the current state the crowd was in should feel simpler, more natural, and how in the end we will always kneel. An older gentleman next to us stood up and said, "Not to men like you."
He chuckled in response and said, "There are no men like me!"
"There are always men like you."
The dark haired man smiled maliciously. "Look to your elder people!" he pointed the scepter at the elderly gentleman, "Let him be an example." However, adrenaline took over and I stood up as well, not even thinking about the consequences.
"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing?!" (B/m/f/n) whisper shouted at me.
"Oh look! We have another volunteer!" the villain said, turning his attention to me. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and my hands trembled in fear by my sides. What was I doing?
"But before I use you and the old man as examples, let me ask you something," he said, the evil look in his eyes had something else in them as well, something I couldn't place. Curiosity? They also appeared to have changed their color as well, since they nearly appeared green! Was it just the lighting?
"Are you scared my dear?" The question startled me, but I answered anyway.
"I'm not scared-"
"I'm terrified," I said, a little frustrated with his interruption, "but these are my people, and this world is my home. I will not simply stand by and let it be taken by someone like you, even if means I die!"
He was quiet for a minute, a new look present in his sapphire eyes. Was that admiration, surprise maybe? Did something I say change his mind? Unfortunately his evil grin became present on his pale face again and he said, "Very well! You and the old man will be used as examples of what will happen to foolish, disrespectful midguardians!"
I tensed up, my eyes shut tightly as I waited for the pain of the blast to kill me. When nothing happened, I opened one eye, then the other. He was hesitating! His grin was gone and the blue weapon pointed limply at my chest. We made eye contact and I tried to figure out what was stopping him. His eyes! They had changed, and they held such sadness and guilt! But why? Less than five minutes ago he was bragging about his power and almost giddily threatening us! "Having second tho-"
"Shut up!" he shouted at me. I bristled up. Why wouldn't he just shoot! What seemed like years passed and nothing happened. He seemed to almost regret his decision! Almost. Finally, it seemed his guilt disappeared and he grinned again and shot. I screamed, but before the blast could kill me, a man in a blue suit jumped in front of me and blocked the shot with a shield.
"Captain Rogers?" I asked, confused but relieved to see the WWII hero. "Hello ma'am!" he said before turning his attention to the man across the court yard.
"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing!"
"The soldier," the man snarled, laughing slightly, "A man out of time!"
"I'm not the one out of time," Cap said. A jet flew above us and a gun lowered out of its belly. I watched in awe as it took aim at the courtyard. (B/m/f/n) grabbed my arm and we quickly made our way out of the area. When he deemed where we stopped safe enough he pulled me into a bone crushing hug and told me to never do anything like that again. Before I could respond, a woman's voice came from a loudspeaker on the plane. "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down."
The man I now knew as Loki shot a bolt of blue light at the jet but it dodged the attack easily. Cap threw his shield at Loki while he was distracted, and all hell broke lose. People ran in every direction screaming and tripping on each other trying to avoid Captain America's shield and Loki's blasts. (B/m/f/n) and I tried to get as far away from the fight as possible, which unfortunately wasn't very far. Something flew around the plane and took out Loki while he was distracted by Captain Rogers. Anthony Edward Stark had apparently decided to join us! He stood above Loki and raised the blasters on his hands as other smaller weapons came out of the suit. "Make your move reindeer games," he said as Cap joined him. Loki raised his hands in defeat. The armor faded away and he was left in his black and green robes.
As they loaded him into a container, I tore myself away from my friend, much to his dismay, and jogged up to my boss.
"Mr. Stark! I wasn't expecting to see you tonight! Who is this guy?"
"Hey newbie," he said, "I wasn't expecting to see you either. Reindeer games here is some Norse god from Asgard."
"Huh," I looked at the new prisoner and we locked eyes for a second. There was something odd about him, I couldn't really place it. And his eyes, they seemed cold and empty, but I could tell he was hiding something, even when he was hurting someone I could see a flicker of guilt in his eyes. Something cold and metal tapped on my head and I jumped. "Hey kid, try not to daydream about our captives okay? I may have to rethink hiring you if you keep making googly eyes at bad people," Tony Stark said semi jokingly.
"Sorry sir, you were saying?"
"I was offering you and your boyfriend a ride home in the Quinjet."
"My boyfriend?"
Someone ran up behind me and rested a hand on my shoulder. "(Y/n) PLEASE stop running off like that! Especially since I'm still trying to get over the fact that you nearly got killed!"
"(B/m/f/n) I am fine! And I'm sorry. Just wait a minute though because Mr. Stark was filling me in on my first subject."
(B/m/f/n) looked over at my boss and said good evening and apologized for interrupting. The billionaire chuckled and brushed it off. "It's fine. I was just offering you and your girlfriend a ride back home in the Quinjet!"
"She's not my girlfriend," my friend blushed in embarrassment. More laughter from Tony.
"We'll be fine sir! Our plane is leaving tomorrow so I'll be back to interrogate Loki on time."
"Great, thanks (l/n)!" he said firing up the blasters in his boots.
"No problem sir!" And just like that he was gone.

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