Chapter 17

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"Jarvis please unlock this door now! Tony needs my help!"

"I apologize Ms. (l/n), but Mr. Stark has ordered me to not let you out of your room as it is unsafe for you and Ms. Potts."

Anger began bubbling inside me but was quickly replaced with fear when I began hearing a loud commotion from upstairs. Loki was here as well. "Jarvis please! I'm likely the only one that can get Loki under control you have to let me out!"

"I'm sorry Miss, but I'm forbidden to disobey Mr. Stark."

"Fine," I growled. Frantically, I searched around my room for anything I could use to either pry my door open, or bust it down, but found virtually nothing! As I continued searching, something fell by my window and I screamed in horror! Was that Tony that had just fallen past my window?!


"Yes Ms. (l/n)?"

"Please tell me that wasn't Tony that just fell."

"Unfortunately it was." Loki had just killed another person I cared about. I was starting to wonder if his feelings for me were just a ploy to gain my trust. All of those memories he had shown me, were they even real?! Did everything I had done for him mean nothing?! Where were the others?! My head was reeling and I felt sick.

"Oh my god," I said, tears threatening to spill. Something else flew by and I jumped in surprise.

"What the hell was that?!"

"That was Mr. Stark's suit."

"What?!" I ran to my window and peered out. Sure enough, no more than two seconds later, the red and gold suit flew by once again, this time piloted by none other than Anthony Edward Stark! I cheered, overwhelmed with relief that the suit had gotten to him on time! However, I couldn't celebrate for too long. I still had to get out of my room! The others would hopefully be here soon to help out, but at the moment it was only Tony, and he couldn't fight Loki alone even with the armor. Despite not having powers, I still knew what Loki could do, which could prove to be valuable information to use against him. I knew why Tony had locked me in here though. He didn't want me to put myself in danger. Again. But I had to help him! I had let myself trust Loki and even fall for him, so I had to make up for my mistakes! But how was I going to get out of my room?

Seeing nothing I could use easily I settled on my desk chair. I picked it up and swung it at the door as hard as I could, but all the only easily visible damage dealt was dealt to my poor seat as a leg broke off. "Shit," I muttered. However, upon closer inspection, a crack had formed on my door! Maybe, if I used the now slightly mangled furniture as a battering ram, I could cause enough damage to eventually escape! I picked up the chair again and ran at the door. Unfortunately, I didn't think my plan through and crumbled to the ground as the wind got knock out of me. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to get my lungs to work properly again.

(Y/n), are you okay?

Loki. His voice sounded distant and broken though.

"I'm....fine....dick wad."

I'm s....sorry

I groaned and swore as I got up. Loki said something else, but it came out muffled and incomprehensible. As much as I hated to admit it, I felt comforted when I heard his voice. It never sounded evil when he spoke to me, even though it was likely just to gain my affections. I picked up my chair and with more caution this time, ran into the door again. I did so until I was satisfied with the damage I had dealt, and after a few swift kicks there was a large crack. The fourth time I kicked it, I screamed as my foot went through the door and up to my shin!

"Holy shit," I muttered, admiring my work. I pulled my leg back in, wincing as I tried to get as few splinters as possible, and kicked again, until there was a large enough hole for me to climb through. Once I was out in the hallway, I turned around and examined what I'd done.

"Oh Tony is going to kill me for that." How was I going to explain to him that I kicked through a door to help him even though he had locked me in there to keep me from doing that? I had no time to worry about that though, large crashes and screams could be heard from outside, and I knew that Loki's plans were running just as he wanted them to.

"Jarvis, where is Loki?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that."

"Dammit! Where's the elevator?"

"Down the hall on your right."

"Thanks Jarvis!"

If he wouldn't tell me where Loki was exactly, then he could at least tell me where the elevator was. I knew he was up likely in Stark's bar area, since it had the best view of New York so that was the best place to watch your army destroy an entire city. Likely the elevator opened right into it, so finding it wouldn't bee a problem! I took off running down the hall to where Jarvis had directed me and sure enough, there was the elevator. A large boom shook the hall, and I knew I didn't have much time to get to Loki before it was too late! The elevator doors opened and I ran in, frantically pressing the button to the floor above as the doors closed. When they opened again, I was greeted with a terrifying sight.

The large windows in the room were shattered, allowing cool air to blow in. Terrifying creatures on machines that slightly resembled motorcycles flew around outside destroying anything and everything, and watching it all unfold was Loki. He stood on Tony's landing platform in his full body armor, helmet and all, and grinned evilly at all of the chaos. I almost wanted to turn around and go back to my room, but that wasn't a choice for me. I had to stop him. I had let myself fall for his game, and now I had to stop it.

"Loki!" I shouted, walking towards him. He whipped around and his expression changed, causing me to hesitate. For a minute his eyes flashed from blue to green and he winced, as if in pain. He looked back at me, and his eyes were no longer the fluorescent blue that his scepter glowed with. They were a beautiful emerald green!

"(Y/n)," he said, a look of shock and concern filled his face as he saw my pissed and hurt expression.

"You need to stop this," I said, pointing at the destruction his army was causing. He looked at New York, sadness and fear filling his features. He looked back at me and I felt the urge to hug him, despite all that he was doing.

"I...I can't!"

The more I studied him; his body language, his expressions, the way there was a shake to his voice when he spoke to me now, and the way his eyes watered up when he saw the damage his army was doing, the more I realized that he was indeed being controlled.

"You don't want any of this, do you?"

Before he had the chance to respond, however, there was a loud thump behind me and I whipped around. Thor! He was alive! "Loki!" he shouted angrily. Loki's eyes flashed again, and they went back to blue. Dread filled my gut as I lost him again.

"Turn off the tesseract or I'll destroy it!" Thor threatened.

"You can't! There is no stopping it," Loki aimed his scepter at Thor and my eyes widened with terror, "There is only the war!"

"So be it," Thor replied, much to my dismay. Loki lunged at Thor and the two fought for what seemed like hours. Feeling useless I searched for anything I deemed possibly useful, and found a long metal rod. I picked it up and turned around to see Thor shoot a bolt of lightning at his brother. There was no way I'd be able to fight in that. Loki fired a bolt of blue light at Thor, but he blocked it and it hit the ground a few feet from me. The floor began falling away and the large A that was mounted on the side of the landing fell to the ground. The two brothers didn't care though, as they continued to fight each other viciously. The Quinjet flew above us and for a moment I was filled with relief, until I realized that they were going to shoot.

"NO!" I shouted, trying to get their attention, but it was too late. They began firing and I felt frozen as I only watched on as Loki shot one of their wings. The plane began to go down and the blast knocked me back. I stumbled a few feet from the explosion and tripped over a piece of rubble and fell right over the edge. 

Wife of Mischief (part 1 of the WoM series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin