We were marching through the woods slowly, watching anything and everything. They could come out of no where at any time, and we needed to stay alert. I walked between Rin and Bon, both of swords drawn and at the ready. Rin was bristling beside me. He was tense and seemed to be trying to look at everything at once.

"What's going on, Rin?" I whispered, looking at the boy to my right. He didn't answer straight away.

"Something isn't sitting right," he mumbled. My stomach dropped at his words. Normally when Rin was unsure, something was sure to go wrong. Rin's demonic instincts were never wrong.

Rin suddenly threw an arm in front of me in a protective manner. The group stopped with us and looked to Rin as he surveyed the expanse of wood around us. There was a sudden deep rumbling noise and I spun around to face the way we had come from. There, just on the rise of a hill, stood a massive beast of a dog. It's eyes flowed an eerie red as it stared us down. I knew immediately we're had bitten off more than we could chew.

This wasn't a pack of black dogs, this was a singular hellhound which was much more dangerous. There was no known fatal verse for this creature so arias were immediately out of the fight. Yukio took immediate action and took control of the situation.

"With our numbers and power we can take it down, but you all need to listen very carefully," he snapped. "Arias to the back. You may use sutras and holy text to protect us and use an weakening verses if you have them memorized. Shiemi, he said turning to the obviously frightened girl. "Help to heal the injured." He turned to Bon, Rin, and me. The rest of you, don't lose sight of each other. This is going to be tough to beat but we don't have time to call for backup," he ordered and as soon as he was done speaking, the fight began.

The battle was intense, but I knew I could rely on my fellow excited for backup when I needed it. I was surprised when I used my blast of energy from my swords and it hardly made a dent in the massive hound. We took turn in attacks and the arias kept us protected in our times of weaknesses.

As Yukio attacked the dog mercilessly, I took a split second break, trying desperately to regain my breath. My young teacher feel back to reload and it was suddenly my turn once again. Constantly using the powers of my swords was beginning to take a toll on me, even if it was only little blasts of power here and there. I could feel myself tiring, and my vision wavered slightly.

I heard someone scream my name, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a massive paw coming for me at my right. I planted my right heel in the ground and brought my swords up in front of me, positioning myself to brace for the attack. However, the attack never hit as there was a flash of yellow and brown. The ear-piercing sound of a gun being fired three times reached my ears and the hellhound disappeared in in blast of dust which was swept away by the gentle breeze.

A sudden anger filled me as I looked at the boy in front of me. He had just stood from kneeling and was turning to look at me. He sighed and calmly switched out his magazines from his guns. I, however, was anything but calm. In fact, I was seething. I was perfectly capable of protecting myself. I had everything under control, and he had put himself in harms way for me. He could have gotten himself killed. I don't need to be babied.

"Are you al-" he started to ask, but I cut him off before he could finish.

"What the hell was that, Suguro?" His eyes widened in shock at the use of his last name. His eyebrows suddenly furrowed in anger.

"I was just trying to protect you!" he shouted back, angry now.

"I don't need protecting," I hissed indignantly. I wasn't a little girl in need of someone to come and rescue me. "I had it under control."

"You did not!" he argued back. "You were this close," he said, holding up his fingers close together for emphasis, "to being hurt, or worse killed," he snapped. "I was helping you."

"I don't need your help!" I snapped without thinking. I was only thinking of myself and my pride. I wasn't taking anything else into account, and I most certainly wasn't taking my own boyfriend's feelings into account.

"Well maybe you don't need me at all then," he shouted in rage. I felt something deep within me snap at his words. Sudden guilt flooded every inch of my body, and tears stung the corners of my eyes, but it was too late to apologize. He was already stomping away and leaving me in the dust.

What did I just do to us?

Wow, going from cuddling and fluff to going at it. Doesn't that just fit for (Y/N) and Bon.😬 Anyway, sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger, but I wouldn't be a proper author if I didn't do that. Thank you for reading and see you all next time.

The Boy with the Two Toned Hair (Bon X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن