Chapter 11

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"Eva you do realise they could've gone miles from here?" 

"You act like i don't know." Eva responded at Ruth, "We might not even be on the right track." 

At that Ruth shot her a death stare "Trust me, Lenna was here." She had plenty of evidence to prove that. The fresh footprints in the mud. The water spillage everywhere. The one thing that didn't add up was the other pair of feet. Lenna had definitely left on her own. She was certain of that. No one had entered nor left the town -other than Lenna clearly- in the years she'd been there. Ruth had been born there. 

"Eva. How can one person leave two trails?" Ruth finally asked. They were both looking at each other in complete confusion. 

"Someone's with her clearly. The real question is how has she survived. She only left with the book." Eva had been pondering on the true question. With only an empty book how had Lenna got water. Especially since neither her or Ruth had seen any in miles. 

"The book. Eva the book is a person. In some twisted way!" Ruth yelled. She had always came up with the weirdest theories and Eva brushed this one off like all the others. The book was not a person but something lingered in her mind. No one knew what that book could do...


Nate knew exactly what I was doing. Anyway someone needed to tell her. About him and that book. Nate knew all about that book. He knew what it had just told me. More like what I just told her Nate reminded himself. The pain in his back suddenly exploded again. He wasn't meant to lose touch to his life source. 

"Are you human?"I  finally asked the  question

"No." He responded. The answer was true. Nate couldn't lie.  Were he to lie his body was to cripple. The pain to explode by millions.

"Are you an animal?" I questioned

"No." Nate kicked himself. How could someone who knew almost nothing target his worst spot. The truth.

"What are you then? Oh. You're allowed to break the rules."

Nate sighed in relief "Nothing you know of. Your go!"

I  stormed off . I'd  got so far yet I'd only gone back.  Nate reminded himself of the bitter truth. 

"Water?" He asked seeing as I hadn't drank in a while

"Only if you have some." I  was persistent. If Nate drank then I would drink. The dryness on my throat was starting to get too much. I knew humans could go 3 days without water. In a dire situation i reminded myself. No human was meant to. So how was Nate doing it? 

Nate was starting to think it'd be easier to destroy the book the have me die of thirst. The pages in that book were what were yes, guiding him to help me but he new most stuff. 

I was finally about to give in when Nate opened up the bottle lid and poured the water in his mouth. I smiled. Maybe i won't be forced to die of thirst. I'm getting my hopes to high when Nate turns back. There's a puddle of water at his feet. Nate spat it out.

"Did you drink any?" I asked

Nate didn't answer so i did for him


"I I did..." Nate offered her the bottle before finishing his sentence. I yanked the bottle out of his hand and started chugging it down. 

"Not." Nate finished his sentence. Suddenly anger enraged me and i sent magic flying from the palms of my hand. The spiralling white dust made it rain like a storm. Right over his head. Nate moved away with a smart remark on his lips. The cloud followed him. I smiled and continued walking. 

We ignored each other (and I ignored the rain that was drenching us) The clear sky made the rain seem like a boy amongst a few billion girls. 


Ruth and Eva could see a thundercloud in the distance. Ruth groaned. She hadn't brought a coat. She suddenly turned around and begged Eva to give her her coat. Eva refused again and again until the message got around the Ruth to the answer was no. 

"But i'll be soaked! Eva please!" Ruth begged again. This time Janeva didn't respond. Her mind was focused on the book and dark magic.

"If one transforms themself into a monster the prize is black magic and the price is a monster. What if the book isn't white but black..." Eva muttered till suddenly she yelled something "Ruth!"

"You're giving me a coat?!" Ruth's face lit up and she beamed like the sun.

"No!" Eva yelled. She was starting to run

"What then?" Ruth asked slowing her pace even more.

"The book. You're right. I think the book is Layla's weapon..."

Ruth cut her off, "How'd she know Lenna was at our town though?"

"Doesn't matter we just need to save her!" Ruth's eyes grew wide and they both started sprinting to the rain cloud. They had two reasons to do so suddenly. As guards were searching for them as well.  They knew that because of the blaring siren going off from not so far away...

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