Chapter 8

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  "So you knew the whole time?" I asked Ruth in shock. Eva had wandered away at this point i guessed. Ruth stared at me "It was a theory!" she yells. I knew I had no right to be mad at Ruth. She had known i'd probably storm to the mistress and demand a better meal. We all know that wouldn't of gone well. I'd probably of been slapped.  I grab a chair. "So let me guess you are also a duchess?" 

Ruth laughs "No but i know why Layla has black magic running thorough her veins."

"I know." I don't need to be told


"It's fine." I grab my chair and walk out. She may of saved a few scars but she didn't bother to tell me after we were out of that mess. That was why my anger was out of control. I can hear her feet pounding on the floor so she can apologise. I quicken my walk to a gentle jog. My feet can go faster so i push them to the brim of there use. I approach the door to our room in a few seconds of sprinting. I think I've lost Ruth. The door opens to Janeva. "OML can you leave me alone?!" i yell to her. Eva breathes out and shrugs. She's hear to have a conversation with Ruth. This also burns anger in my veins. I find the knife Ruth keeps for some reason or another and slit my hand. The blood runs into a glass i'm holding. I smirk. My blood can heal and hurt. I pour the liquid over Eva's head and she instantly starts burning. I smile and hold back my laughter until she looses her hair. Suddenly it doesn't feel like a joke. She's running down the hall desparate to get to water while i frantically search for water, i have no hope. 

   I find Janeva with Ruth in the bathroom. "OML i'm so sorry!" i cry but Ruth turns around "We can kill her without you.." she says almost chocking on her voice. I'm no saviour, i'm a threat to them. Maybe to the whole origination .  I nod slowly and wander out. I have no stuff i need desperately except maybe the book. The book! I jog back to the library and grab it. 

   Outside feels like a different world. People are avoiding eye contact with guards and everyone is on there toes. No one wants to land up like Katlyn. I start to think about Katlyn until she consumes my mind. If i'd gone instead of Ruth Katlyn might still be alive. I see her face in the crowd as if she's blaming me. I push past my nightmare version of her but she grabs me and kicks me to the ground. I fall to the ground. I feel the people stare at me and Katlyn slowly vanishes. I have definitely got unwanted attention if i already hadn't. 

"You need help?" It's a boy and as much as i can't help it i really want to deny him.

"Nope." I say, it's a simple word but the look on his face says it hurt him. i carry on walking. I ignore him until I'm out of our small town. He's still there.

"Lenna?" he asks. I turn around and shove the dagger in my pocket at his neck

"Excuse me?" My voice is a more alert tone then it's ever been, "Creepy stalker. How do you know my name?" He smirks and grabs my hands and pins them behind my back 

"To take out a hundred or so guards Lenna you will need my help."

"No I won't!" I yell and channel all my new found energy at him. He falls to the ground as does the book. He runs to the book and as does I. I reach it first

Trust Nate

that's all it said when i opened it's pages. The note on the queen was gone. I've never trusted strangers especially not ones that try to hurt me.

 "Fine I will Nate," breathing out as i did so. He had originally looked so proud when i had said i would but now he was plain shocked. 

"My name was meant to be a secret. You damn book!" Nate yells.  I hear the leaves crunching beneath us and it makes me feel uneasy. "Can we leave?" I ask. Nate nods and takes my hand and runs. I'm holding my breath since the leaves are crunching even more now. Far more than we should be making. Part of me wonders if i'm just fooling myself till I turn around. Katlyn is after me again and this time i stop. I let go of Nate's hand and look at her. Right in the eye. 

"Hello." I say.  She looks at me with wide eyes and vanishes again. I say, "We can go again."  Nate looks at me like i'm a freak but doesn't say anything. Instead we move away from the area even more careful to leave less of a track

Sorry i haven't updated in a while. I hope you enjoyed this part, if you did please comment what you think of Nate and click the star. Thank you.

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