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    Every queen has the power to keep crops growing and people going but this is lost if the queen turns to sin an nonpunishable sin a sin that can never be forgiven. Layla grew up with this being the one and only rule for when she came to power at the age of seventeen and a half.  This had been the only thing a queen must do. She cannot sin. Layla had always knew what sinning was and even though she was now sixteen and incapable of even touching a wisp of magic she had never sinned. She knew she had done wrong like the time she kicked Bethany but Bethany had forgiven her accepting she was in the wrong. 

      The truth was Layla couldn't use magic because she had sinned. She had given orders on to her only trusted adviser whom was sworn to secrecy on everything she did and said. Layla turned around to her and said "The daughter i can feel it one day she will beat me to the throne she may even overthrow me!" her voice was now filled with rage and sorrow "I need you to kill her!" she continued ignoring the horror on her advisers face.  It had to be done or else she would never achieve her dream. There would also be a war and Layla didn't want any of her people to die

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