Chapter 9

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The trek with Nate is long and in the humid weather I find myself wishing I'd brand a bit more with me. The worst thing is Nate has nothing on him either. If we aren't found soon thirst will claim our souls. I turn around. There is only forest in sight. No towns are within walking distance. Only luxurious emerald leaves and the bark they are attached to. I feel my throat tingle

"How much further?" I ask Nate. He appears unaffected by the lack of water. Am i the only one who hasn't drunk? 

"A good few more days of walking. Why?" he responds.  The words water escape my lips.

"I forgot humans need water." He mutters so quietly I only just hear his words.

"What?!" I yell. For a brief moment i forget my thirst. Curiosity strikes through my body and makes me shake. He turns around to respond but it's not him. It's Katlyn. I scream and fall to the floor. 

"Leave me alone!" I yell but she says nothing. She looks panicked. I blink and it's Nate then it's Katlyn.  Am i hallucinating? I push the thought to the back of my head. I am sane i think. Then darkness engulfs my vision. Swallowing it whole. 

"No!" I wake up screaming.  I can't remember my dreams but Nate is there clutching water. I grab it and attempt to open the lid. My fingers fumble around. He laughs and opens it for me. I smile and while i engulf the water my mind flickers to Ruth and Janeva. How's the rebellion going? Have they discovered how to do it alone? 


"You mean to say that you kicked out our only hope cause she attacked your girlfriend?" 

The word girlfriend makes Ruth  shiver. They are not in a relationship. "She almost killed her!" Ruth yelled back in response. All people could do was shake their head. Janeva had been excused. She was practically insane at the sound of Lenna on anyone's lips. Ruth was facing their trial alone. 

"We are in a war. People will die." The judges voice is emotionless. A pit of emptiness. Ruth doubted she could win this trial. 

"She's a danger. We can kill Layla without her!" She hesitated "We just need the book. Something Lenna fled with."  That sentence sent the hammer flying down. Ruth sighed. She had done as best as she could. If only Lenna hadn't fled with the book. 

"It was gibberish though." Ruth cut in just as the hammer started to fall. "Every other book says a queen can die from all things." At that sentence Janeva was pulled back to the room. 

"You are both excused." His words were not cheerful. "On one condition. You must find Lena and bring her back. Unharmed."  They both nodded. How far could Lenna of gone after all?


It's been another good few hours of trekking. Our feet are slowing down and we are forced to stop. It's falling into the first night and we are alone. 

"Did you have water?" I ask Nate. He refuses to answer my question and pokes the fire. "Go to sleep it's late." I roll my eyes. "I've already slept. Remember? I'll watch first." Nate only laughs at this. "No. I do the watch. You're weak." I'm about to fight but I realise he's right. The worst thing i can do is get worse "Wake me up when you're tired." 

When i awaken the sun is rising. We're in Summer. 

"You didn't sleep?" i ask him. He says nothing again "You don't eat. Nate what is wrong with you?"  

He finally says something "Nothing is wrong with me. I am human. I eat I drink and i sleep Lenna. Stop worrying."  That doesn't stop me worrying though. It only adds fuel to my fire. I use the heat to power on. I grab my bag and the book. Nate got more water yet he has none of it. Or has he? Did he have some? I push aside all my thoughts. I need to get to the next town. The world depends on it. Layla could've caught on. She might already be onto us. What ever she's playing at she's not behind us nor in front of us. So Nate and I have to go forward. 

While we walk I start to notice the fact Nate isn't ugly. Well in looks that is. He has jet black hair that's so messy it appears almost neat. If that's even possible. He has white skin like a doll and grey eyes. If he hadn't had normal teeth I might've thought he was a vampire.  I'm not ugly either but he is dashing and some girls would drool over him. Until they discovered how much of a ass he was. That would change everyone's mind.

"So how'd you get to Cartwright?" I ask. I might as well get some information out of him

"Someone called for me so I came." He responds. He has told me as little as possible but the way his eyes meet mine tell me that either i'm never meant to know or I should know by now. The thing is no one in Cartwright knows a Nate so i'm left with as little information as i started with. I need to ask more questions.

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