Chapter 7

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     "Eva!" I yell, "Look over here!" I am staring at a dusty book which has mainly blank pages. Eva had discarded the book hours before hand yet when i flipped through the pages the pages were filled with ink on only thing queens could know about magic. "I think i found something!" I yell again. She doesn't ignore me until she sees the book "Lenna there is nothing in there." she reminds me. I've been looking through it for ages now. "No there is stuff in it i can feel it in my skin!" i raise my voice a bit. Eva comes up to me and looks over my shoulder "Wow!" I show her the rest of the book but what was once a hundred or so pages is now hundreds of thousands "OML!" the word escapes my lips before i can help myself. I've said it far to much recently.  I start to read the pages aloud. "Dear reader," it starts and Eva looks curiously over my shoulder despite the fact she can hear me saying it 

"  If you are reading this it means it means something truly dreadful has occurred.  A type of magic was is fouler than a sin. A true case of the black arts themselves. If you are reading this it means the queen on the throne has black magic. Can develop in the black arts. This you cannot allow to happen. They can kill a kingdom with a snap of a finger once they can control their unique power. Have a town under her control. If you are reading this it means you are free of all interference from her. You only wish for her to be gone. You are facing far more than a rogue Queen or maybe if time has passed a rogue King.  I must warn you that the magic you are facing is far worse than maybe crops failing. I am here to tell you how you can vanquish this creature.

   I must start right at the beginning. For one to even have a slither of dark power in their skin they must have done something truly terrible. Murder will not even cut it. They will most likely of murdered or kidnapped for personal gain. Hurt other physically and mentally for a crime they are not guilty of. For dark magic to run through the veins though. Far worse must have occurred. The person you are facing will of done terrible things to get to where they are. You should not doubt what they will do to stay there. An arrow can only splinter ones heart. A smack on the head can only break ones skull. To kill someone to the end of the afterlife you must remove their soul. Send it to a world where it doesn't belong. This is where it gets hard because for that you need pure magic to run through ones vein and if you never paid attention in history you may not know the following. Only a future queen can have that. I did not want to disappoint a soul with this information so there must be a future queen near "

   I slam the book down with that information and Eva stares at me in shock. That was the last thing i expected.  I turn to Eva hoping she can give me a logical answer. She says nothing back to me. "I don't know if you want me to tell or not but Ruth is hearing about this!" I turn around and sprint down the hallway. Eva catches me up though and grabs my arm; i don't think, all i do is death chop her hand right where she hit me. I did not expect it to hurt so much. I make a mental note to heal her later. I carry on running to the room where my best friend is resting. Janeva is waiting for me to come back. I prepare for her to be at the door staring into my eyes. I open the door as slowly as i can. I breathe out loud when Janeva isn't there.  I walk over to Ruth and shake her awake. "Ruth!" I yell at the top of my lungs. She awakens in a second and starts looking around in shock. "What happened?" she asks me. I don't bother to ask her i just drag her down into the library.

    Janeva is waiting for me in the library with a disapproving look on her face. She is tapping her feet on the floor creating a beat.  I lead Ruth away from her despite the fact Ruth clearly wants to run up to her and hug her. Then ask her a spree of questions even i don't want to  be asked. I open the dusty book. She flips through the pages and their many scribbles. Her expression doesn't change throughout the whole book. Not even at the end "So we can use this a test to see who's loyal?" she questions us. 

Janeva responds "Well yes we could, but weren't you shook by the end?

The word oof escapes my lips. I don't believe Ruth just skipped the end. She looks at us in shock. As if she expected us to of known before hand. 

"I truly think this gives us all the information we need like.." Ruth starts but i don't give her time to respond, 

"Wait so me being a queen wasn't a shock for you?"

Ruth says through her laughter, "Of course not! I've known since the day i caught you in the kitchen!"

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