Chapter 5

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I didn't exactly know what to do. Her dreams had come true but they had just come and gone. Ruth is still standing tall. I find this hard to grapple. I had always been the strong one of us. Both mentally and physically. So why had I crashed onto the floor as soon as we were out of ear and eye shot. I sit on the bed Janeva offered me in the rebel's safe home. Ruth and I do need to find a house but until then we can stay there to help plan. So far i have been of more use than Ruth.

Our ideas are so simple and hardly thought out at all. Janeva agree with me but as i'm being constantly reminded it's a start. A start can set off a flame that can burn down the palace. It can also drag multiple with it and i am not sure i can loose anyone yet. I sit down at the round table and think about how the hell we (all of the rebels) could get on buses to the palace without being noticed. I rack my head for hours on end while Ruth makes the cash selling our stuff. The old drab the orphanage gave us. My sludge rainbow and other stuff we completely forgot about that Ruth salvaged. I try to remember the last few days in a positive way but all i see is the table flipping over the cane and whip. The projector spinning round and round and Layla appearing on screen as the queen and the crowd around her. I look at the dates we have already ruled out. Anything after eight weeks and a few other odd dates. I stare at the plan. It's one thing to get on the bus. It's a second to all get into the palace. It's something else entirely to get the queen to come out to see maybe a good few hundred rebels waiting to slaughter her like a pig for bacon.

People come and go all day moving player and the queen. The annoying thing is since we have no idea what the queen can do we can't plan our attack. By six everyone is back in to see the new broadcast on the queen. Some of the rebels based here are playing the part of keeping the loyal guards at bay. Ruth is part of that act. The screen flickers on and on the projector is the queen with her striking black hair blowing in the wind. There is a crowd below her then the idea that was forming in my mind sparks and sets alight.


Ruth stood outside her stall. She had stayed out far longer than she would of normally. The bell tolled six and she was aware the trouble was starting. Her role was one of the merchants. There was so little of a chance of her being killed Janeva and Lenna had accepted it. The truth was Ruth didn't want to see either of them. Lenna expected her to break down and regret her choice every second and Eva wanted her to accept that she was whom she loved. Ruth loved Eva but she had never loved anyone like that before it was scaring her. She took a deep breath and prepared for her part

As expected, Katlyn snatched a glass from her and took off with it. Ruth started yelling at the top of her voice for help in hope that help would come. It did but only after Ruth had took off to hunt her down. She was unsure whether or not the glass would come back to her but she soon pushed it to the back of her mind. She had taken off. She was now mouse.Ruth sighed and continued pounding her legs in hope she could get away. She was desperately pursuing Katlyn. She needed to get the glass back and call off her role before she was caught.

There had always been a little chance of anyone being killed and Ruth's odds were lower as she was only meant to call for help and send the guards towards Katlyn. Finding Katlyn was there job. Ruth turned a corner and found herself face to face with Katlyn. Her lips were about to move when suddenly she dropped the glass and it shattered onto the floor into a million pieces. Katlyn's limp body fell onto them all and the wound was all to clear. A throwing knife had been dug into her flesh. Ruth waved her hands at the guards as they approached her "She stole my glass and now it's shattered!" she yelled knowing no ordinary merchant would go straight to aid the thief. The guards retreated instantly and Ruth was left with her partners bleeding body. She started instantly lugging it to the safe home until the pulse that was going around her body stopped all in a sudden. Her life had been taken. She knew she would have to present the body to them all for them to believe her.

While I was figuring out the plan of action flipping forward a coin with the crown on one side and the blade on the other Ruth was dragging Katlyn's dead body across the street at night. She came with more than a dead body though, she came with a horrifying message. If this didn't go well we would all die...

Hii thank you again for reading the next chapter what do you think the plan is. If you are enjoying this please comment and vote for Crowns and Blades it would mean a lot :)

Crowns and Bladesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें