Chapter 25

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I have music for y'all below


Jessica's POV

I'm free. As I stepped out of that horrible house or whatever it was, I felt finally free of that god for saken room with Julian. For a whole year I was trapped there with him. During my stay there the only thing that kept me going was Aubrey. Just the thought of seeing him...


When I was in the hospital, before anyone came to see me, the doctors told me I was going to be okay. That it was a miracle I was alive. Saying I was relived was an understatement. Then, different doctors came in, stuck a needle in me and I was knocked out. I woke up in a straight jacket lying on the floor in white room with foam like walls surrounding me. I felt like I was in a box with no windows. I crawled with my body and knees to the door, but before I was able to try to open it, out came Julian. I swear that nigga was getting on my last god damn nerve.

"What the hell did you do to me!" I screamed

"Well, I hired a bunch of doctors to make it look like you died. Having you drugged made it easier" he replied nonchalantly

"And why the fuck would you want my family to think I'm dead?" I asked

"Isn't it obvious? I want you Jessie. And I also got revenge on your previous Aubrey for ruining my fool proof plan" he said stepping closer to me and closing the door behind him. Aubrey. Oh god he must be a wreck.

"Get me out of here. NOW!" I demanded.

He laughed as he saw me try to get out of the straight jacket. "Hush Jessie. You will have a chance to leave. In about a year though. I want everyone you love to feel the pain I had when I wasn't with you. However, it's cute how you're so demanding" he laughed darkly

"I ain't staying here with you that's for damn sure" I spat

"Oh I beg to differ, you wouldn't want me to hurt anyone would you?"

I stood silent and looked at the floor

"I killed before and I can kill again.." He smirked

After hearing those words I felt no choice but to accept. I layed back on the floor and cried myself to sleep.

*flashback ended *

Of course being there with Julian I tried to escape. But he had this room so secure and secluded I couldn't. While I was there he told me about what happened to Trey. After he kidnapped him and had a mask to look like him, he let Trey go. I asked him when and he said the day I got married. I was so happy he was alive. It would've been my fault if he died. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. On the other hand, Julian will punch, kick, or a smack me anytime I wouldn't do what he asked me to do. I had to keep reminding myself that I'm protecting the ones I love. I had to give him head, massage him, anything you can think of. The least painful was talking to him. That was when I would try to escape, but obviously I failed every time. However, when today finally came and when he released me, what he said got my blood boiling.


"Okay Jessie you are free to go. On one condition tho.."

"Which is?" I asked as he let me out of the straight jacket. I felt so weak as I stood up.

"You must not let your family and friends know you are live. Especially that Aubrey of yours."

I felt my hands balling up into fists


"No you can do whatever you want, just not with your love ones." He replied calmly.

Love Conquers All (A Drake and Trey Songz Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now