Chapter 4

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*1 year layer*

Trey's POV

"Hahahahahaah oh my god that's the funniest part of the whole movie"

Jessica said while laughing.

I smiled as she laughed. I've grown to love her smile, her voice, her everything. I thought I wouldn't grown attached to her, but I was wrong. When I was in the studio recording, I would think of her. When I was at home sleeping, I would dream of her. Throughout this past year I got to know Jessica and she's amazing. She's very supportive and we never had any fights. I think I'm in love with her! No, no I can't be. But as I think of this, I can't help but think of Kelly. She's my fiancé, I'm suppose to marry her soon. I think I fell in love with two woman. Maybe once I see Kelly I'll forget about Jessica and my feelings for her. If Kelly knew jow much I've grown to like Jessica, she'll make me stop working on my album, dump Jess, and stay in Europe with her. I just can't break Jess's heart, she's very special to me. But when I picture a future for myself, I used to see Kelly, now it's all foggy. I focused my attention back on the movie and tried to forget about this whole situation.

Jessica's POV

As I snuggled on Trey's chest on the couch while watching the movie, I began remembering how I got in this position in the first place. Nearly a year ago, I went on my first date with Trey and I thought I would go back home. But we hit it off right away and before I knew it, I was looking for apartments in NYC. I've been helping him with his album by giving him beats and lyrics. He said he wasn't just going to use my work as it is, he was going to add to it and put his own style on it. I was cool with it, after all he is my boyfriend. But he never had me in the public eye yet. No one knows I'm his girlfriend and sometimes I get irritated by it. I asked him this and he said he didn't want anyone to take me away from him. But I don't know, I'm getting this weird feeling about it.

"I love you Trey"

He smiled. "I love you too Jess"

For some reason, evertime he said I love you to me, I didn't think it was sincere. He always seamed reluctant to say it to me. It took me a long time to love again, I hope he doesn't make me regret it. I felt treys cell phone vibrating in Trey's pocket. I got it out and handed it to him.


"Oh my god. Are you serious?!" Trey said almost hysterical. " thank you. Thank you so much".

He ended his call and ran to me hugging and picking me up.

"Whoa. What happened babe" I said in between chuckling.

"It's done babe!! My album, it's ready to be release! I all I have to do is go to a meeting to finish all the paper work and schedule a tour! "

"I'm so proud of you trey"

He held my face with his hands and kissed me softly.

"We gotta throw a party. I'll set it up right now. I'll go invite my friends and you go invite yours. This is going to be the party everyone is going to be at. " he said

"Ok" I said excitingly.

I pecked his lips and drove back to my apartment. One reason I'm excited to throw this party is that people will finally know I'm with Trey. I smiled at the thought while driving.

Drake's POV

I stretched out of bed tired as fuck and realized the girl I fucked last night had left and I'm just starting at the celing. I have done nothing this year except doing a few hits here and there. I really don't want to be alone anymore. I get lonely too.. but it's just so hard to open up to people these days. I'm going to change, I'm not gunna be that player anymore. I want to have a woman in my life who will be there for me and not break my heart. I sighed. Then just as I was about to take a shower, my phone rang.

"Yo drizzy long time no talk huh"

It's Trey. I haven't seen him or even talked to him in a year. Why's he callin me now?

"Hey trey. What's got u calling me today?"

"Well I wanted to tell you the good news. My album is ready to be released and I want you to come to the release party. "

"Album? Nice man! You know I'll be there. See ya in a few hours. "

"Aight see ya"

I packed a few things and booked a flight to NYC. I finally have something to look forward to.

sorry if it's short, I had midterms and stuff, shit is gunna go down next chapter tho :)

IG: @sexgraham

Love Conquers All (A Drake and Trey Songz Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora