Chapter 23

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Drake's POV

I opened my eyes and saw my friends surrounding me. I saw broken plane parts scattered everywhere and no sign of Jessica. What the hell happened?

"Drizzy you alright?!" I heard Jermaine ask.

I moaned before I answered "yeah" I coughed "what happened?" I looked around and saw people crying. Specifically Jessica's family and my family.

"There was a bomb.. On the plane..." When he said that it call came back. Jess. Where's Jess??

"Jessica! Where's Jessica?!"

No one answered me. I made myself able to get up, but when I tried to walk I fell right on my face.

"Dammit!" I shouted.

"Dude your leg is broken, you have to stay down. " OB shouted at me but I didn't listen.

I got up again and hoped on one foot. It hurted like hell because I think I sprained my ankle on my good leg, but I need to find Jess. As I was hopping I almost tripped over something and that something was Jess.

"Jessica!" I knelt down beside her. She looked like someone ran her over with a truck. Her gown was covered in blood and her face was bruised. Her eyes were still closed and taht was scarring me the most.

"Jessica talk to me baby it's me aubrey. " I said nervously while trying to find her pulse. I found it but it was really weak. "SHE HAS A PULSE!" I screamed in relief. Just when I screamed she opened her eyes.

"Aubrey?" She said in a weak voice.

"Yes it's me babe. Just relax right now help is on the way. I love you Jess"

She smiled "I love you too Aubrey" she was going to say something else, but her head went back and she was unconscious again. I motioned the paramedics to take her quickly and told them what happened as best as I could and they took her and I to the hospital.


After they gave me a cast and everything, I went to go check on Jessica finally. I became scared as I saw doctors and nurses flooded in her room.

"What the hell happened?!!" I asked her mom

"She-she went into shock" she said in between sobs.

I tried to get into the room, but the doctors kept pushing me out. The wait was absolute toruture and hearing the monitor on a flat line with doctors working aggressively on Jess wasn't helping either. A bunch of "what ifs" came into my head making me even go more crazy. What if she's going to die? What if she's brain dead? No I have to stop thinking like this. She can't be dead. She was fine just a few moments ago. I thought I was about to pull my hair out until the doctor came out.

"Well?!?" Jess's mom asked eagerly.

The doctor just stood there with a serious expression. Whatever come out of his mouth is not going to be food news.

"Answr me dammit!" She screamed

"I'm so sorry Mr & Mrs Rodriguez. When Jessica went into shock she made a blood vessel burst in her brain. Unfortunately, this lead her to be dead and not brain dead. I'm sorry for your lost" and with that he walked away.

I almost lost my balance as I tried to sit down and take this all in. My wife, the woman I love, my best friend, is...dead?!! I felt all my emotions leave my body when the doctor gave the news. My body went numb and as I ran my hands through my curls tears began to stream down my face, but I quickly wiped them away. This can't be happening. I got up not even talking to Jessica's parents and left the hospital. I have to get out of here.


"Another one" I slurred to the bartender.

"Dude, you already had 6 shots"

"And?? What's ur point? I'm giving you money"

He kept his mouth shut and poured me another shot. Jessica's not dead. She's just in a coma. She'll come back to me, I know it. While I was finishing my shot, I saw Keyanna come into the club. Once she saw me she rushed over.

"Aubrey...what the hell are you doing?" She asked

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm celebrating!"

She gave me a confused look "for what?"

"Jessica didn't die!"

She then drew her eyes to the floor and looked up at me again with her sympathetic brown eyes.

"Aubrey, she did die"

I looked at her like she was crazy "What the hell are you talkin about? You're tripping she didn't die Keyanna. I would know I was there. "

"Aubrey look at me!" She sat down beside me and grabbed me by the shoulders. "I was also there at the hospital. Jermaine and I walked in while you walked out. You didn't even see us because you were in such a rush. We went to go see Jessica and that's when her parents told us. I went to go find you because I knew you would do something like this. I'm -"

"NO! She's not dead!" I said louder than I should have while interrupting her. Her grip on my shoulders became tighter.

"Yes she is! Aubrey please just lis-"

I took her hands off me "NO SHES NOT DEAD! SHES NOT DEAD!"

There was a brief scilence until I realized what she said was all true. I tried to forget everything that happned at the hospital with alcohol, but I knew nothing can make me escape this pain.

"No.." I said while beginning to cry.

Keyanna reached over to give me a hug and squeezed me tight. As I squeezed her back she began to cry too. When we finished our embrace, we looked into each other's eyes. Our lips were just inches apart and at that moment, I needed someone to be with me. I needed someone to understand how I was feeling. I needed someone that won't leave meâ. The moment our lips crashed together I knew this moment we have right now together will forever change our lives. Right before our tongues entered each other's mouths, she pulled back and didn't say a word. She got up from her seat and quickly rushed out of the club. I tried to look for her in the parking lot, but of cousre she left already. I decided to call Ryan to give me a ride back to my place since I was completely wasted and he ageeeed. I entered my house and found an envelope on the floor. All it said was "drake" in the front. I opened it and anger flooded through my body instantly.

"Imma teach you a lesson this time. Hopefully it sunk in. Do not fuck with the people I love . From Julian. "


OMMGGG Keyanna and Aubrey? Thoughts on that? And where is trey :0 comment and vote ;)

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