#27 Complicated

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Jean promised to send you tested looks throughout the remaining time that slowly ticked away. These sharp glances were a reminder not to glance his way. You knew if you did you would lose all cool and flip.

When the bell did leave you were in no rush to your feet instead you made a point by crossing your arms and narrowing your eyes at Warren who glanced hopefully at the door.

You sat upon the desk your legs swinging absentmindly as you drew your focus to Warren. His sea eyes meet your sceptical ones, and you felt him shrink further into himself before covering it up with a cough and straightening.

"You have some explaining to do," you said dryly
Warren gaze tore from you flittingover to Jean who picked uncomfortable at the sleeve: you nodded your head, and within seconds the gifted mutant rushed from the class leaving it deserted.

After minutes of silence where it was clear neither of you was going to make the first attempt to talk you took the bullet.

"I want to hear what you have to say then I'll go and trust me, Worthington, I have a lot to says."
Warren's eyes reached your a scowl on his face, "you left! I came back you out were gone for weeks" his voice was low and gruff.

You scoffed, "I left because I was hurt. I wonder why" you finished dryly before a wave of freezing anger possessed you - damn your short temper!
"I left to search out my parents! Yea I know so actually I have to thank you because if you never left breaking my heart, I would never have reconnected."
The angel stepped back flustered he opened his mouth to speak but closed it.

Warren fiddled before stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets, " It's complicated I guess from the beginning."
You sat there leaning forward eager to hear this complication of a story.

"You caught me off guard, and yes I left. Only for a walk- to think things through. I had never had someone have this much control over my emotions or had someone love me. I thought things through, and my answer shocked me I left this time on — purpose.
I went to visit an old friend that I had defeated in the fights, but she wasn't happy to see me." Warren laughed bitterly causing you to let your guard down:  you scanned his body and deduced from his leant posture, swollen lips and a new scar that poked out from the bottom of his shirt - he had been fighting again.

"Don't pity me you were the reason. I had to let her win that was the only way I could call in the favour. Her names Arbee she goes by Creature: a powerful and dangerous empath. Anyways I asked her a favour which she won so I had her project an emotional link on two objects" Warren finished before clutching something in his hand.

In two strides he was hovering hesitantly by your side, "I understand your fear of joining the xmen and for me joining it so..." . You blinked opening your eyes to see a shiny gold- silver ring your mouth flew open - if this was what it looked like boy he was going to get dumped so fast.
Sensing your stress Warren was quick to rebuff it, "I am not proposing" his cheeks were tainted pink.

"It's a promise ring with an emotional link, so we know if either of us is in danger especially during missions and when we are away from each other."
You nodded taking a deep breath you gaze froze on his which softened, "why?" You managed to croak out.
Warren huffed running a hand through his curls in annoyance, "I thought that be obvious princess."
You could only respond by rolling your eyes.
"Because that what you do for someone you love - compromise. I love you" Warren spoke softly his words were stilled new and foreign to him.

As soon as those three words entered your ears the room froze over in a millisecond before returning to normal.  Your eyes widened to the size of a golf ball, and you realised rather sourly that you were crying. Your thoughts were stumped by Warren gently wiping his thumb across you cheek wiping a lone tear.
His hand lingered on your check before moving to cup your cheek which you leant into the warmth.

"I'm still mad Ren. Do you have any idea what a mess I've been? Any idea of what you did to me! I'm half tempted to refuse just to get you back" you laughed.

Warren didn't pressure he quietly stood there basking you with his presence, slowly ever so slowly you tugged the glove from your hand. You held out your hand to Warren who broke out in a lopsided smile. Taking your hand in his large ones he slid the promise ring onto your finger then the other into his own.

Both of you gasped in unison as the rings let of a Smokey gold aura and a warmth and emotions flooded you before settling down. New energy buzzed around the ring as a connection between the town rings and now between the two of you grew. When your fingers brushed over the words carved into the metal a jolt of Warren emotion teased your mind like dipping your feet into water: he was feeling a lot of feelings, but the strongest was love.

You looked up sniffling your gaze filled with adoration before pulling his face closer to your until his lips were on your own. It was a short kiss enough to have Warren leaning in again, but you dodged his lips seeing the scar under his shirt.
You stood straight and slapped across his cheek, "that was for leaving and fighting"
It didn't have the effect you wanted with a pout you saw Warrens smirk, and it was all his fault that your pout broke out into a small smile.

In light of Christmas, I felt like we needed a light fluff chapter :)
Also, Arbee is a character I made up- an extremely powerful empath that used it to do bad during the fights aided by her wicked fighting ability.
Hope you liked this chapter

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