#23 oblivious

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Okay, so I felt in the mood to write some angst? If that's even the word. Mainly because writer block and this was the only inspiration I have at the moment.
Also, I don't like cliffhangers, but that's the only way this will tie in with the next chapter without making it too long XD
And I really don't know how I feel about this chapter, but I felt like some drama in the story 😉
Also to clear up confusion on the timeline it's been two years almost the third since Apocalypse, Warren and you have been dating for a year and a few months out of the nearly three years knowing each other.

You were scanning lazily through your Genetic mutation book when Jean slid into the seat opposite you. "When were you going to tell us" she spoke
Oblivious to the meaning you raised an eyebrow, "tell you what exactly?"
Jean huffed, "that you lied! You don't want to be an xmen do you?"
Guilt swarmed you, and you shifted in your seat avoiding your friends confused gaze.
"Look, I was going to tell you guys, but I wanted to decide on my own because I knew you all would persuade me otherwise."
" it would have been nicer to hear it from my best friend rather than the professor."

The conversation with Jean ended hours ago, yet the one question never once left your head. That was obvious as you knawed on your fingernail - a nasty habit of yours when you're stressed.
Jean promised not to snitch on you, but you dreaded the conversation with your friends. They all had spoken openly with you about their future as xmen no clue to your reserved opinion.

It's not that you didn't want to be an xmen. You did. Well, you had conflicting opinions on it. The idea that once you graduated you could have a "normal" life among humans, have a career, a family was very tempting. All this you only recently hoped Warren would want too.
It seems you would be finding out very soon.

Jean had pushed you to talk to Warren before making up your mind. Warren only ever had one goal in mind - to be an xmen.
You were on the edge of your bed still biting your nails short. Your finger flew away from your mouth as the door opened Warren wandered in hands in his pockets.
You patted the place next to you; he sat next to you his thighs pressed against yours wings curled around you like a feather headboard.

"I have a decision to make by well by last week" you stated bluntly acknowledging his confused gaze.
" I don't really know what to do, but I know I shouldn't be keeping this from you so here goes."

Warren grew more and more distant the further you explained the moment the word human life escaped your lips he stood.
"Ren I get it your affiliation with humans. Not all of them are bad" you explained
Warren stood still, looking at you hurt, "yes but you know what they do to us mutants. Lock us away like animals! And you have to decide if you want to live among them. Not only that you would be leaving your whole family, leaving me" he voice rose with every word until he was heard shouting
" no! You could come with me." You spoke quietly fearing rejection
Warren looked at you puzzled, "Warren I've known you for almost three years we have been dating for almost two. We are graduating this term. We haven't even discussed the future, our future. And I just can't shake the thought of trying to have a normal life. Where we don't need to worry about a mission where either of us could die!"
"We can have that here! We will- I will protect you" Warren debated

You continued the quarrel for further until his words sunk in, "Well, what I'm hearing is that I'm not worth it."
"Warren. What am I to you? What's - where is this relationship going. Because I need to know if me staying is not just to be another one of your flings"
Warren couldn't meet your gaze, and a heavy feeling settles in your chest on your heart taking the silence as his answer. His face was unreadable which was the painful part as it left no clue how to proceed.
You stood from your bed before walking out of your dorm feeling numb and sick to the stomach.

Warren sat there frozen barely registering your absence until it was too late. Cursing he stumbled out of the room looking for you. Jean found him first.

Finally! I published the first few chapters of my new story that many of you know about

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Finally! I published the first few chapters of my new story that many of you know about. I was going to wait until December but I've had a lot of inspiration at the moment and I decided to update early.

(An Angel's Breath) Warren Worthington iii x reader Where stories live. Discover now