#9 Hold me Close

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Screams. The scream woke you they were bloodcurdling. It wasn't until the black unconsciousness burned away revealing the medical room you realised that it was you screaming. You thrashed around for a few seconds against restraints, "hello?" You cried out in pain as another wave of fire boiled in your blood sending a hot spike roll down your body.
Someone placed a cold and damp material on your forehead, and you curled back into the head shivering, "y/n it's okay, you're back at the school, just calm down" you recognised that voice to be Hanks.
You turned your head to the side as a tear trailed down your face, "it hurts " you cried still fighting the restraints. The pain didn't waver and your blood boiled, you could feel the blood oozing from your nose. Hank came back into your view with a syringe your eyes grew wide, and you thrashed even more, "no" you repeated your hands curled into fists digging into your palms. With all your best efforts in vain, Hank sedated you an ocean of calm rolled of you the room faded away.

"Y/n", a voice spoke
"Y/n " again someone spoke, you felt someone breath on tickle your face, and you scrunched your nose as you opened your eyes. Jean hovered over you; her red hair braided her face lit up in a smile seeing you wake, "Hey y/n how do you feel."
You closed your eyes for a second before looking back at her, and you were no longer screaming in torture although your whole body was overheated and your head hurt like no one's business.
You breathed in slowly before nodding, "like someone poured lava on me" you managed a wry smile. A weight was lifted off you as the restraints removed, and you managed to sit up on the bed wincing as you moved your leg.

Your smile vanished fast as you remembered what happened; Warren is dead. A wave of sadness hugged you, and you slumped forward you couldn't even cry you just sat there numb; Jean must have caught not your thoughts before shaking you, "y/n no Stryker lied to you. Warrens fine. I mean he's a reck" Jean encouraged you seeing your confused expression she continued, "we got you back two weeks ago. The drug Stryker used on you knocked you out all we could do- Hank could only sedate you until it ran out of your system. But Warren he's alive he got back, and we found you."
"What do you mean he's been a wreck" you whispered cringing at the memory of Stryker
" well I uh- he hasn't been sleeping or eating. He's locked himself in the dorms Scott and Peter tried to get through to him, but it just didn't. Hank wouldn't let anyone in to see you. Your powers froze this room the professor couldn't risk anything.
A wave of heat rolled of your body making you shudder.

An hour later you had showered, and now you sat cuddled in a blanket wearing some sweats. You felt sick Hank warned you that for the next month the drug would have side effects including cold and fevers: at the moment though you were exhausted and numb. You were excused from your classes until you recovered which you were glad. Scott and Peter had visited you laughing about a fight Scott go in and silly stories about Peters little sister: Kurt also visited but not for long he said he would pray for you - he is adorable. Jean and Jubilee were almost invariably by your side, but you told them to stop fussing and go to class; Ororo even visited you grudgingly of course although Ororo had started to warm up to you. The one person you wanted to see the most was Warren, and he hadn't shown, not even a quick hello: it was upsetting - from what Jean said he was quite distraught. You missed your winged friend.

A knock on your door distracted you from your thoughts, "its open" you replied, and Warren walked through. You jumped out of your bed with a huge smile and limped/ ran over to him and engulfed Warren in a hug: he was shocked at first, but relaxed wrapping his arms around your waist his other hand cradled your head, and his hand curled in you h/c hair, "he told me you were dead" you mumbled into his shirt. Warren pulled you off him and looked at you with his mesmerising eyes: he was quiet, but his gaze scanned your face you felt butterflies in your stomach.
"it all my fault. I was too late" Warren sighed - he looked awful. He looked sickly like he handy seen sleep and his eyes were bloodshot with tears and sunken. As soon as those words left his mouth, you could have slapped him. How dare he say that!
" Ren it not your fault, okay? " you held his arms in your own
"I heard what he did to you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. It should have been me instead" he cried, you tightened your grasp on him and looked up to see him with glistening eyes
"No. You've been through too much. I just- I need a hug" you sniffled
Warren took you into his arms holding you close your arms curled up against his chest you face buried in his neck and his wings curled around you. Warren embrace calmed you, you felt safe and the horrors you went through faded away as you focused on Warren.

(An Angel's Breath) Warren Worthington iii x reader Where stories live. Discover now