#12 the Anouncment

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December had begun, and the school mourned. You dreaded the month. It wasn't that it had Christmas but because you couldn't escape. You couldn't sleep. It was like this a lot, but this time it was unbelievable real: the room blood red and boiling.

You lay there trembling on your bed staring at the ceiling waiting for it to be over; you could hear Jean murmur softly in her sleep. There was only one person that calmed you: you had spent nights with no rest. You rolled out of bed still half asleep and blindly exited the room.

Tiptoeing down the carpeted hallway, you reached a door: it creaked softly open, and you hesitated you looked back over your shoulder, and the darkness had turned red the warmth nipped at your heels. With that, you closed the door behind you.
The room was dark, but you knew that his bed was closest to the door: you bumped into something soft, and you narrowed your eyes squinting to see the darkness. You smiled seeing Warren blonde hair all messed up, "Ren" you whispered shaking him slightly
Warren groaned barely opened an eye before seeing then he saw you, and he flew back against the headboard within seconds his eyes wide.
He opened his mouth to say something before a snore came from the bed over, he mouthed y/n what are you- what?
Warren's eyes gazed over you before realising you had tears and still shaking,
"C'mere" he mumbled moving the sheet so you could slide in next to him.

In any other circumstances you would have been mortified of sleeping in the same bed with anyone let alone Warren; considering how he made you feel and not to mention how a few months ago you were given the impression that he wanted to kiss you.
Warren lay in his back his wings like a blanket under you, and you closed your eyes drifting back to sleep. Warren had his arm curled around your waist, and he stroked your hair soothingly waiting til you fell asleep.

You woke up first to the first call of the birds, and the tiniest ray of light entered the room: you cheeks burned seeing how you and Warren had become tangled during the night and you had woke to see you were practically on top of him: your head lay on his bare chest. You looked up sheepishly to see Warren still fast asleep; he looked so adorable and peaceful, his lips were almost a smile, and you grinned seeing a stray curl of his hair plastered to his forehead.
You felt something on your lower back and soon realised that Warren in his sleep his hand had drifted dangerously low on your lower back. You felt Warren stir in his sleep, and you closed your eyes shut hoping you didn't wake him. Meanwhile, Warren was awake but closed his eyes seeing you up too; he cursed mentally to see where his hand was and immediately moved it. Warren knew he should get up before others woke to see you asleep together except all he could do was focus on the girl curled up into his side. Sure he had had many girls in his life, but that was nothing more than a physical relationship, with you Warren felt a deep emotional bond towards you, feelings he didn't quite understand overwhelmed him he just wanted to see you happy.

"Warren Worthington the third what in the frick am I seeing" Scott yelled seeing his two closest friends asleep together. Both of your eyes widened in shock, and you two split apart, "I had the nightmare again" you whispered, Scott, nodded
"You're lucky it was me that woke up first not Peter, or you would never hear the end of this"
A knock on the door got all three of your attention, Scott opened it, "Hank" he whisper-yelled
You looked frantically at Warren who also had fear creeping on his face, Scott motioned with his free hand for you to hide
The door started to open, and in the moment of panic, Warren had pulled the duvet over you obscuring you from Hanks view.

"Okay, it's clear," Scott said closing the door, and you peeled the sheets of you, "professor called an assembly we have to go."
You sat up on the bed, "I'm still in my clothes."
A flash whirled past you and clothes were dumped on you, "I don't miss much you know but lucky for you I am the best" Peter spoke smirking at you
You smiled jumping up you ran to the bathroom changed quickly.
"Any idea what the assembly about," you asked as you pulled your purple gloves on
Scott gave you a sympathetic look before staring you dead in the eye, "y/n if you don't go Professor will understand "
Your heart dropped, and you swayed nervously you could already feel the tears brimming
"If I don't go it will make it worse."
Warren and Peter looked at you and Scott with a confused expression.

The students were crowded around the professor, "around this time last December the school lost two lives. I want you all to know that they will never be forgotten and we remember them in this year's Winter Dance dedicated to Lily and Elena's memory."
You stood there listening. You felt numb at the mention of the twins deaths.
Last December to this day you had your first training - you had no control over your powers, and your powers had been the reason why those two students died. You had never forgotten, never forgiven yourself never let yourself forget it was part of who you were now and every day you tried to better. You carried their photos with you: the two twins new to the school - wrong place at the worst time.
You felt Jean and Scott eyes on you - as if checking when you would break. Warren stood next to you his hand brushed past yours; you smiled sadly at him.

Someone brushed past you roughly, and you saw the brother of the twins, he glared at you through his tears his fist curled. The professor must have sensed this as he looked over at where you stood facing a reminder of the worst moment in your life.
You couldn't take it - you silently weaved through the crowd, and as soon as you were past the corner you finally let the tears flow, and you hurried to the forest.

Warren saw the giy, he just stood in for of you in silence; he looked at you you e/c shine brighter with unshed tears. Warren watched you leave the room - he was confused as to what the relationship between you and the boy was - Scott gave him a look, and Warren took off after you.

(An Angel's Breath) Warren Worthington iii x reader Where stories live. Discover now