#17 kissed

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The day so far had been bland. You drifted in and out between classes hardly focused your thoughts elsewhere.
You were lazily flipping the pages of your lecture book when Jean slid into the seat opposite you a huge dorky smile on her face, "you need to tell him."
Your arched your eyebrow in question
Jean laughed then turned serious, "you can't seriously be so naive. Your thoughts were literally overwhelming today, and I can't take it so go talk to him"
You rolled your eyes, "I don't want to ruin our friend-"
"This is what you should be telling him!" Jean stood winked at you then left.

You groaned putting your head in your gloved hands when you felt a presence behind you. You turned around to see Warren - donned in his famous leather jacket. "We um, we need to talk" he stammered.
Your eyes widened, but you stood.

A few minutes later you and Warren had made it to the lake, under the shade of the many trees. Warren scratched the back of his head just before he could talk you interrupted.
"Ren, I'm not sure what you're going to say, but I'm going to say mine first."
The angel mumbled something, but you carried on, "don't talk listen."
"I think I knew for a while, but I didn't want to accept it because I was - I am afraid. These 'almost' things keep happening, and we can keep ignoring them" you paused as you fiddled with your sleeve, " You are my best friend I don't want to lose you or screw up this friendship. And yea this is tough for me to say but - okay here goes ilikeyou".
You ducked your head embarrassed, "what?" Warren asked
You mumbled again, "ilikeyou" you started to get anxious.
"Can you say that one more time" Warren whispered

You looked up at Warren to see him with a lopsided grin on his face, "you heard me the first time!" You accuse stepping back embarrassed.
"Wait! Y/n" he reached out to you pausing as a few of the younger student ran past.
Your angel gently lifted your chin so that you had no choice but to look at him; he leaned forward still staring you in the eyes, "I uh well I like you too."

You froze his words sunk in he likes me too?
Your gaze faltered drifting down to his lips you looked back up at Warren whose cheeks were glowing pink his breathing hitched. You nodded smiling reassuringly: Warren looked back at you seeing you nod at his unspoken question made up his mind.
Quick as a flash you leant forward placing a kiss on his lips; you were mortified by your bold actions quickly apologised.
Your apology was cut short by soft lips on your own; you quickly melted into the kiss as you both pulled each other close. Warrens hands rested on your waist and you arms looped around his neck resting on his shoulders. After all those close calls you were glad because it led to this. His lips fitted perfectly on your own same as the way your body curved onto each other. It was a soft kiss like testing the waters, but it was the best kiss you had ever had.

Warren pulled away groaning softly; you breathed fast as your heart fluttered. Warren froze as the sound of whoops chorused. You looked behind Warren to see Scott and Ororo smirking they clapped too, "about dam time!" Scott laughed.
You giggled softly but gasped as a silver blur hurled at you and Warren. With a splash, you had been pushed into the lake, "maximoff" you cursed as you wiped the water from your face. You looked at Warren his wings were drenched at the bottom, but that didn't cease his gorgeous smile; you laughed swimming over too him.
Warren pulled you close the cold water engulfed you both. He pulled you close for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss before a bright snap of light blinded everyone with the click of a camera.

Peter stood there with the camera still smirking seeing you both drenched in the lake. Simultaneously both you and Warren sent a splash of Water at Peter who cried out in shock. Scott pushed Peter into the lake before him, and Jean leapt in followed by Jubilee and Ororo pushing Kurt in. You all laughed despite being drenched and shivery.

Warren looked over at you with heart eyes you shared the smile then winked splashing the water at your angel.

(An Angel's Breath) Warren Worthington iii x reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora