#25 ghosts of childhood

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Aye, look at that another authors note randomly appearing before the chapter.
This chapter focuses more the readers backstory I guess, but I'm excited for the next few chapters because .... I ain't going to spoil 🤫
School out for me! just had prizegiving giving today finally the holidays so I can update more XD
Anyways here the chapter 💛

The night began its descent into dawn you left a trail of footprints in the fresh snow the red and brown bricks poking through the crystal ground.
You paused in your step tucking your hands into the pockets of your woollen coat straightening up seeing the faded door.

Gathering up all your courage you crossed the few strides to the shelter of the door; the warm smell of vanilla wafted through the door, and you couldn't help but smile fondly.

Gosh, it was precisely how you last remembered; the thriving flower garden that hugged the house or the old shed that stored all your ancient successful and failed projects like your attempt of keeping the neighbour's cats kittens. Shaking your head to dismiss the memories. But that was why you came back, because of the memories.

You shuffled awkwardly on your feet - the light tainted the window illuminating the silhouettes stilled your thoughts. Looking back over your shoulder at the iced autumn road you couldn't help but wonder what on earth had possessed you to come back here, Except you knew exactly why.

You spent the next hour hidden in your room a box you hadn't opened in years lay with its contents spilt on the floor. Your heart bleeds at the faded crumbled photo you clutched in your bare hand. You traced the figures on the picture as a heavy weight settled down on you like a fog.

The picture showed a beaming girl clutching into the coat of the elderly man next to her; his piercing blue eyes crinkled as he smiled fondly down at the girl. The photo taken after the anonymous figure behind the camera told a joke.
The man had his free arm wrapped around a gorgeous woman; her soft hair curls framed her rosy face.

Silently making your decision, you waited until dinner where the dorm was left empty. It was even more empty you noticed after clutching the duffle bag in your gloved hand.

Quietly you ducked out of the mansion sending a silent plea to Jean - to not snitch. There was no way the two telepaths were not aware of your plans, but you hoped they had the decency to let you do what you had to do.

Raising your hand to knock you paused, taking a deep breath you hit twice. There was no answer. You considered leaving but just as you turned around the door swung open, and you heard your name feebly being called out.

You turned around suddenly feeling like a fish out of water which was ubsurb you had grown up here. Your eyes meet your mums, and a breath of relief released you never realised you stole. The lady with tears welling in her eyes wasted no moment to scoop you into her arms in a tight hug.

You stiffened in her hold before melting into the embrace whispering weakly, "I'm home Mum" to which she outwardly sobbed into your shoulder. Your dad upon seeing you let out a yell of happiness before scarpering back to the house returning with the phone on which he exclaimed your arrival to your younger sibling.

Your mother wasted no time fretting over you complaining you were starved and then dotted on you: baking you your childhood favourite cake, showing you to your old room - which evidently had been kept pristine. Not once did they treat you any different. You forgot about everything, the whole reason you came to fix the ghost of a relationship with your parents because sometimes no matter how hard you tried to deny it when your heart was grieving your mum always knew what to do.

Even weeks worth of festivities couldn't dull the gaping seven years of your absence and knowing this you explained to your parents. You told them everything.
They nodded their heads in wonder as you told them of your mutation slyly dodging the twins and when the topic expanded you retold them all about the battle and being captive in Strykers division .you mentioned the good too: your friends, family the other mutants which fascinated the couple.

"My strong, beautiful baby " you father sobbed after 30 minutes of deafening silence. After that yes, they looked at you in different eyes - you were no longer the " sick" little kid of 10 you were a young adult.

Your mothers gaze softened as she sent you a knowing look reaching forward to cup your hand in her own she voiced, " this boy Warren? Do you love him?"
Her question had you stumped,  you sent an astonished glare at her and spluttered slightly.
"I- I don't know we only went out for a year and a bit" you pulled your gloved hand back to your side defensively, "and it doesn't matter, not any more" you lied through gritted teeth.

It did matter.

Your mother didn't give up that easily, "Honey time doesn't matter it's how you feel and you may deny it, but I can't see it in your eyes" she cupped your cheek which you leant into slightly.

Your mind raced over her words before denial took hold of the wheel, "well, it doesn't matter because he left" you hissed pulling away as your dad walked into the room with a fresh batch of cold beverages you pushed past him coldly and after slamming your bedroom door shut you collapsed on to your bed.

(An Angel's Breath) Warren Worthington iii x reader Where stories live. Discover now