#14 Winter Dance and Drama

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Warming: briefly contains MILD angst ( towards the end)
Today was the day! December 12 the day of the winter dance. You and the girls were hidden away in you and Jeans room; you were braiding Jean's hair - Waterfall Braid. You were never the biggest fan of makeup at the most you wore a small layer: Jubilee finished powdering your face while Ororo bought in a tray of drink.
You sent her a small smile which she replied with, "Look, y/n I'm sorry for being a jerk to you. But Ren can't stop speaking about you. You are good for him."
A blush tinted your cheeks before fiddling with a strand of your hair.
Warren had told you to give Ororo a chance, "he speaks highly of you too Storm" she nodded.

Jean opened the bathroom door, she donned in a ruby rose coloured dress with a slit up to above her knee- her red hair cascaded down in light curls framing her face, "Jean your gorgeous. Scott will absolutely adore you" Jean smiled twirling in the dress
Jubilee rushed off to put on her golden dress leaving Jean to finish curling your hair.
You were dressed ( I tried my best to keep to the time era also sorry for the giant pic I can't minimise on my device :)

You were dressed ( I tried my best to keep to the time era also sorry for the giant pic I can't minimise on my device :)

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You felt like a princess: elegant and shy you had even ditched the glove request of Warren. A small knock on the door you sprang to your feet dusting of the already clean dress. Ororo opened the door to see Peter followed closely by Warren. You froze, you couldn't help but stare; your angel clad in a dashing dark blue suit with a baby pink bow tie. Warren caught your gaze and smirked. You made your way over to him his hand brushed against yours his pale cheeks were faintly red. "You look very handsome Ren" you breathed.
Warren took your hand, " you are the most beautiful creature I've seen" he voice was low his eyes sparkled.

A few minutes later Warren led you to the ballroom ( let's just presume that the mansion has some sort of dance room), a couple of mutants manned the DJ music while the tunes of  Take on Me echoed the students jammed to the music. You saw Jean and Scott twirling Peter around almost crumbled in laughter. You giggled grabbing his arms swaying to the music. Joyous laughter escaped as Ren made a fool of himself on the dance floor: Warren was air singing, and quite seriously too even Scott joined in like silent karaoke.

Something brushed past you, flinching you turned around your eyes narrowed; you caught the eyes of some students they glared at you and in the midst stood the very person you dreaded to see.  The atmosphere turned cold as if you would never see the light again. The brother, Daniel stood -his arm folded- his friend whispered into his ear he smirked. You itched your arm nervously ignoring them. You and Jean shimmied to the music Don't Stop Believin played, "ignore them. " jean sent the fellow mutants a look.

You felt a tap on your shoulder; you turned to see Scott. He took your hand twirling you around enthusiastically, in the corner of your eye you could see Ororo and Ren in conversation. The two ex-horsemen sent glances in your direction unbeknownst to you. The music changed more upbeat to I Wanna dance with somebody you spun Summers around, "you make a beautiful dancer Summers!" you gushed
Scott spun you back to someone else foreign grasp; you tensed before looking into the grief-stricken eyes of Daniel, he pulled you roughly close swaying to the music his hand gripped your wrist no doubt leaving a bruise; his eyes were dark filled with oceans of anger and resentment towards you. He leaned in "I think it's best if you left. We've been talking, and you don't deserve to be here when they aren't. Murderer. Never show your face here again" he spoke raspy into your ear his hot sticky breath prickled your skin sending a wave of nausea to rock you. He smiled slyly before kissing your trembling hand. You stood there, everywhere you looked, everywhere from the corner of your eyes, you could only see them. You gulped wiping the slobber from your hand in disgust. You turned around in circles, the familiar feeling of overwhelming and faint teased you; the room vaguely fogged over.

"Y/n?" A voice spoke quietly behind you
You turned around your eyes burning with unshed tears: "I'm sorry' you mumbled to Warren.
Seeing you in this state broke the angel's heart, without any hesitation he scooped you in his arms. You clung to him before recoiling; I don't deserve this, I don't deserve him Daniels words carved into your thoughts like a lone footprint in wet concrete.
Warren reached for your hand, in a panic you sent a nip of frost through him. Your eyes widened realising what you had done all I do is hurt. Murderer. Mistake. Monster
Your hands tugged at your hair in panic, slowly you backed away from Warren. Your angel looked hurt, and it pained you deeply that it was because of you.

Warren was hurt and confused but more than anything he wanted you. He needed to know you were safe. That look in your eyes filled with despair and regret he was all too familiar. Warren saw that look every time he passed a mirror.
Warren scowled, his fingers curled into fists by his side as he strode over to Daniel. "what did you say to her" he growled
This by now had gained the student's attention even Mystique glanced the way curiously, Scott and Peter walked to either side of Warren
" look man. You're still new here, but I'm letting you know she's a murderer a monster. Stay away from her. She's not worth anything" he replied.
It took everything in Warren to not scream at him
"she's family!" Scott yelled his eyebrow furrowed.
" No! She murdered mine!" Daniel cried when it happened within seconds. Daniel was on the ground with a crash, a black eye from a jab sent from Warren. Warren unleashed his rage and anger he swung another time and another - no one insults you and gets away.
It took all four of Peter, Scott, Ororo and Hank to remove a fuming Warren from on top a bruised bloodied Daniel.

(An Angel's Breath) Warren Worthington iii x reader Where stories live. Discover now