#26 Back again

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Days turned into weeks that passed with you back in your childhood home. You spent them in solitude your mind racking over thoughts trying to make sense of the jumble of emotions.

You did venture out into the home and indulged in excursion with your parents to local hotspots and catch up with old family friends whom of which you hadn't seen in almost a decade. Your mother knew to keep her distance about the topic you had grown defensive too, but she also knew when to approach you.

That was why she held you on your bed soothingly stroking your hair as you sobbed silently into her shoulder. You finally let down those ice walls around your heart since he left a month ago allowing yourself to be upset; because even though you didn't want to cry over this, it didn't fix the fact that it hurt. You were confused, hurt, heartbroken and annoyed.

"I miss him. Isn't that crazy" you mumbled into her shirt
"It's not crazy. You - now don't deny me - you loved him" she cajoled
You couldn't even deny it because you didn't even know.

It was all very confusing.

You sat up and wiped the tears from your cheeks straightening you put in a small smile before looking at her. The way your mum looked with sadness yet a glimmer in her eyes told you she knew exactly what you were going to do next.

, "I promise I'll visit again"  you spoke urgently placing your gloved hand on top of hers.
"Just not another seven years later" the lady mused chuckling under her breath.

What seemed like eternity bit was, in reality, five hours or an hour since departing the plane back in the familiar atmosphere of Westchester County.

The taxi ride rolled to a stop, and the once familiar steps of the mansion were daunting and seemed to be mocking you. Breathing in deeply you approached the door.

A gasp left your lips as the door swing open, and a whirl of red leapt onto you. You stumbled under Jean's embrace, but before you could stand straight, the telepath grabbed you by the arm and pulled you further from the mansion.

You stopped abruptly beside the lake causing Jean to barely into you: you yanked your arm back staring at your friend incredulously. The girl looked at you with concern her eyebrows furrowed she swayed on her feet, and you raised an eyebrow, "well? Why did you drag me out here Grey?" You spoke pointedly.

"You left for a month" the first words the mutant spoke you only nodded.
You turned to the school once again before Jean meekly called out your name something was wrong.

You grabbed onto her arms in concern meeting her conflicted eyes, "y/n he is here."
You tensed suddenly after those words, your eyes widened, and your legs shook.
Shakily you asked, "how long?"

"Three weeks he came back."
You snuck a glance at the lake behind Jean not surprised to see it covered in a cool mist: tearing your eyes off the frozen lake back to the girl you noticed she was unaffected.
Your eyes drifted down to the small monitor woven into her jacket just like the ones in the combat suits thermal temperature balancers.

You stood still gathering your thoughts, and there was a lot of them. You were conflicted part of you wanted to rage up to the angel and say some sharp words the other half wanted to run away from him, but the even smaller part wanted to see him without throwing a punch.

You could almost laugh at how well Jean knew you short temper that she had backup stitched into the clothes.

Closing your eyes firmly you focused on calming your breathing: blinking your open the fog dissipated under your gaze. You turned around on your heel taking deep strides to the mansion. Jean hurried after you calling your name with no response she quietened no doubt warning the boys of your stormy presence.

The double doors opened as you marched into the deserted hall; students were in class, but you knew his timetable like the back of your hand.

Your steps slowed as the class came into view looking over your shoulder you raised an eyebrow at Jean who scurried to your side.

Standing in the middle of the doorway your eyes flitted from the professors to the familiar seat which until now had been empty. Your eyes narrowed seeing the winged person a hush fell over the class as they stared motionless at the scene unfolding.

You folder you arms and cleared your throat: Warren looked up before standing his chair scraped harshly against the floorboards - the students huffed in annoyance.

Behind Warren, you spied Ororo struggling to contain her amusement catching her eye she winked at you before nudging the timid student. Jean shouldered past you before hurrying back to her seat from there she glared at you motioning to the waiting teacher.

You turned back to the professor who looked sceptical at your presence, "professor do you mind if I borrow Worthington."

"Of course as soon as the lessons over" he rebuffed chuckling under his breath before he covered it up.
You could vaguely hear a relieved sigh as Warren settled back into his seat. You sighed stalking back to your place in front of him you paused walking past him paying no attention to his heavy gaze: you pulled out a chair from the back sitting next to a student in the year below you.

Your eyes on the clock, you sighed outwardly the lesson still had 20 minutes.

Hey guys
Sorry for not updating as much as I said I've been uncharacteristically sociable this holiday and after spending the entire day outside in the sun I'm pretty sure I've got sunstroke.

Also, I think perhaps this is the end of this book well another chapter maybe one more after that.

I dunno. I just don't know where to go on so this i know there will be at least two more chapters if that.

(An Angel's Breath) Warren Worthington iii x reader Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu