"...when im not making love in the moonlight I prevent forest fires."

Start from the beginning

"Alright girls lets get started! Watch us perform it two times, do it together four times, and then rewatch us before auditioning." Cora tells us as her and Nisha get in position. They press play and I recognize Wings from Little Mix start up they immediately take off and their upbeat moves match the tempo perfectly yet, they still manage to look grateful. I immediately felt self conscious about my own dancing as they moved across the dance floor. They performed once more before it was time for us to dance along with them. After dancing three times and watching them once more it was time to audition.

I stood on the far left side next to a tall girl who was much too skinny for her age. Her fair skin, light brown eyes, and what looked to be slightly curly dark brown hair from its ponytail I immediately felt self conscious. She noticed me watching her like a creeper and smiled. To make myself seem less stalkerish I told her a quick good luck.

The beat began and I closed my eyes focusing on the beats and picturing the steps only opening my eyes for the jumps. In what felt like no time the song ended and I couldn't help but wonder how horrible I looked I should've opened my eyes but then I would just jinx myself. 'Just breathe' I said to myself mentally when all of a sudden Just Breathe by Anna Nalick started playing in my head. I began swaying and dancing to the sound in my head which got me alot of weird looks.

"Alright girl good job!" Cora told us with a smile clapping her hands together. "We have a bit of a surprise though two of the dancers here are allready on the team and we put in as spies I guess you could say. Layla. Christina." She called out and the girl with rainbow tips and brown haired girl next to me went up there.

"Alright were going to go talk about who made it over there. Mingle amongst yourselves." Nisha tells us five before the four of them sit on a bench in the corner.

"Hi I'm Shiloh and the raspberry jelly is my favorite of all the jellies." I tell the girls two jerks give me dirty looks which I stick my tongue out at them, one girl looks scared, but one manages to crack a smile. "Hello." I say to the two nice looking girls.

"Hi." a girl with frizzy blonde hair squeaks out while the black haired girl next to her just smiled.

'So do you guys have names?" I ask sitting cross legged on the ground and looking up at them on the bench.

"Im phoebe." The black haired girl with pretty brown almond eyes told me softly.

"Hi Phoebe that reminds me of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. i love that show. Joey is my favorite he's hilarious! Phoebe was in Easy A too! Except she played the counseler that gave the really hot christian boy an STD. Such a shame. You know what other show is a classic How I met Your Mother! Yep its genius! i laugh every single time! oh or Full House though everything is too happy I just cant handle it after a while, Anyways do you have a name Blondie?" I ramble on before realizing that i should shutup.

"Im Taylor."

"Like Taylor Swift? You know you kind of look like taylor Swift." I tell her honestly staring into her blue eyes.

"Thanks." She mumbles sheepishly.

"No problemo chicka." I tell her shooting arrow guns with my fingers.

"Alright gather up little girls." Christina tells us. I notice then for the first time how one of her eyes are a bright blue while the others a forest green even though its unusual she still looked really beautiful.

"How do you know we're little?" I ask her like the smart arse I am.

"Your five feet!" she points out like i dont know.

"Actually its called Fun Size!" i tell her honestly.

"Yeah, yeah just listen up." She says rolling her eyes and shaking her head at me but she had a smile on her face so i knew she liked me.

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