Outside the walls. . .part 2

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Ammy rode her horse down the trail to the castle. "Wow so pretty!" Ammy muttered. Eren nodded as Levi tisked in annoyance. "Ugh so disgusting, and so many weeds."

Within the castle

Ammy took a wet rag and finished cleaning all the tables in the dinning area. Ammy headed to the kitchen but stopped 'Hey Eren, do you think the others would mind if I made some tea for everyone?' Ammy sat in the kitchen waiting for a response 'Just come up here.' Ammy shrugged and head up the stairs to were captain levi was. Ammy knocked on the door "If I may captain, I was going to prepare some tea if you'd like?" Ammy said. "Fine." as Eren entered the room "Sir were will me and Ammy sleep?" Eren said as he walked in. "You two will sleep in the basement." Ammy sighed. "Not again..." she muttered. Captain levi looked over at them We'll both of you have no control of your power so incase your transform at night we'll be able to take you out easier." Ammy nodded as Levi left the room. Ammy slid out of the room leaving as Petra walked in. Ammy hurried down the hall and began to make the tea. As Ammy finished she poured them each into a cup and placed them down at the table. Ammy pulled out her duster and started to dust the little corners. As Ammy began to finish everyone began to come down and take a seat. Ammy walked over to an end far away from the others as soon as Eren came down. Ammy took a sip of her tea as the squad began to ask her and Eren questions. "So how does it work?" Gunther asked. Ammy looked up "I mean how do you to transform and stuff?" Gunther continued. Ammy set her cup down. "I'm not so sure but..." Ammy said. "Like if I bit my hand or cut my self or any kind of self harm injury." Eren said 'How do we know that...its just subcounsisly.' Gunther sighed "I see." Ammy could hear a large crash 'Wanna guess who's here Eren?' as the door burst open, Hanji said "Hello squad levi!" as she ran over to Eren and Ammy. "Now I need the two of your for an experiment!!" she said as she grabbed both of their hands. Ammy felt like a scared animal "What kind of experiments?" She muttered. "Oh so many AHHH!" Hanji said as drool rolled down her mouth. Eren was first to speak "We'll um we can't give permission for our selves you would have to ask Levi." Hanji turned her glance to levi "Leiv what are these two doing tomorrow?" "Cleaning to courtyard." he said in his dead expression. "Great you both will be a great help for us!" Hanji said. Eren looked at Hanji "If I may captain, What sort of experiments we be doing?" Ammy sunk in to her seat as everyone else began to leave. "Oh let me begin, we start with the basics when we capture titans," (I'll just spare you guys of reading all of it so here's a link to a YouTube video of sawney and bean. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aDfOksZOiL4 )

The next day

Ammy could feel her eyes closing ever so fast from sleep, 'So sleepy'. Ammy continued to listen to Hanji's story "And that's all the experiments!" Ammy looked towards a nearby window. 'So bright...' Ammy leaned over for a sip of tea as the door slammed open "Squad leader come quick! The captures! Their dead!" a grasidion soilder said. Ammy perked up and ran to grab her cape and horse.

At the crime seen

"NOOOO!!! SONNY!! BEAN!!!" Hanji cried and screamed like as if her own child was killed. Ammy felt Eren walk over and put his arm on the top of her cape/head. 'I...Who do you think killed them?' Ammy though. Eren spoke his head 'I'm not sure...those were valuable subjects I heard...' Ammy felt something grab her shoulder. Ammy blocks it out, "Why now.. why when me and eren are wanted dead! Just great!' as Ammy heads to leave she pulls her cape down and gets a drink.

Eren's Sister (Attack on titan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon