Outside the walls. . .part 1

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Ammy looked behind her then SNAP. Ammy screamed as she fell into the titan's stomach. "NO NO NO NO I REFUSE TO DIE!" Ammy screamed In anger. Tears flooded her eyes "I-I only wanted to be like Eren. I wanted to be strong I-i. ITS NOT FAIR!" Ammy covered her face as she started to sink. "No I'll kill them I'll kill all those titans! I want to protect my family!! You hear me!" then her hand grew larger then BOOM. Ammy looked around "Im out!" Ammy ran towards the wall "Mabye I can help!" Ammy looked over "2 Titans. They can't live anymore!" Ammy ran over and ripped the titans heads off and smashed the bodies under her feet. She laughed "Get up you idiots let me kill you!"

Ammy looked over to the wall "Huh? EREN , ARMIN , MIKASA! HEY GUYS LOOK ITS ME AMMY! Huh guys stop no it's me don't run away." Ammy caught up with them and put them on a roof "I'll be right back guys I think some titans are coming I'll go kill them!" Ammy began to walk off until her vision went black.

"I'll kill all of them..." Ammy muttered. "Ammy?" ammy though to her self 'Huh hey it's Eren that's good.' Ammy leaned over to look at where the voice came from then. CLANK. That caught Ammys attention. Ammy looked at her arms. "Huh?" Ammy said "Why am I in chains?" Ammy looked over to Eren, seeing he was in he same problem. "We'll look the Titan girl is up now." Ammy looked over "Wow it's captain levi!" she muttered under her breath. "We'll should I tell her what's going on or are we ready to go?" Levi said. Ammy looked over 'Oh ma god it's Comander Erwin!' Ammy though. "We'll we have a problem, the military police wants cusdadie of the two of you but we think if you joined the Scouts we would be able to take wall Maria back." Commander Erwin said. Ammy though 'E-Eren why does the military police want with us?' Eren looked over to her then back at the commander 'They are scared of us, they want us dead so we won't cause any harm.' Ammy clenched her fist 'Idiots all of them! They probably never seen a Titan let alone kill one! An their scared of humans!?' "So what do you want to do idiots?" Levi said. "Ammy looked down at the sheets and a dark though came to her 'All of them will die! All of the titans, I'll rip and smash them! They will all be dead I'll keep everyone safe!' Ammy looked up with a look of insanity "I want to join you guys, and just kill and kill the titans til their all dead!" Ammy said with a giggle escaping her mouth.

Ammy lied staring at the celling, it's been four days since Commander Erwin and captain levi was their. Ammy lied their and began to think about her mother as a tear ran down her face. 'Ammy...' Ammy turned, her back facing Eren. 'Ammy it's going to be okay I promise no one will hurt you!' Eren though. Ammy could feel more tears run down her face. 'I-I can't take this anymore!' Ammy though as she rolled over 'I just hate how...how...im a monster!' More tears ran down her face as a loud screech came down the hall. Ammy look to the bars of the cell looking to see another captain of scouts came screaming down "ARE THEY DOWN THEIR?!?! AHHHH I NEED TO SEE THEM!!!" Ammy looked to see a lady in goggles and blushed with joy "Oh this is so joyus I need to touch them!!!" (Can you guys guess who's here? 😂) Ammy looked over to Eren with fear 'So you said no one will hurt me? what about this lunatic??' Ammy looked over as the door to the cell opened and the squad leader came in "I'm Hanji!!! Now let's head out!!!" Ammy stared at Hanji "Umm may I ask whee we are heading?" she shook her head "Im not aloud to tell you, but first for you two to leave you'll need to put these on." Hanji held two pairs of hand cuffs, Ammy sighed. "Of course here."

Ammy looked up and around "We were under the military court house..." Ammy muttered as a shove came to her back and saw infront of the judge was two metel poles 'Why Am I not surprised.' Ammy though. Ammy walked up the isle and went over to one of the poles and neeled down. Ammy looked Over as the placed the pole down again making the handcuffs impossible to escape. Ammy looked up to the judge as he spoke "Eren and Ammy Yeager, you have been charged with treason and wanted by the scouting legion and the military police. The military police may begin with their statement. "Thank you your honer. Eren and Ammy are a threat! being able to wield the power to become our enemies. after an analysis of their bodies we found that they can transform at will but further analyzing is in need so we would like custody so we can do an autopsy on the yeagers." Ammy could feel anger boil up inside of her. "If I may" Ammy said "Have any of you seen a titan? let alone kill one or watch it kill your friends?!". 'Should I stop, no I'll tell them what on my mind!' Ammy hissed "All of you! Cowards! hide behind a wall just so you can post pone the day of your death!" one of the mp began to speak "Look quickly she may transform and kill us!!" Ammy could feel anger wash over her "SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!!" She and Eren screamed. Just as she caught her breath a sharp kick came strait to her face. Ammy could feel a tooth fall from her mouth. Then a strong kick to her face, then her face hit the marble floor and again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Ammy lied there as she panted and cringed in pain on the marble floor, which was now covered in her blood. Ammy could feel something grab her hair as she look around as Levi spoke "Huh I'm just getting her ready for the mp since she's going to get chopped up." Ammy looked over seeing Kali,Dakota,and Eli. Eli was having to hold Kali back as Dakota coved Kali's mouth. Ammy looked over to Armin and Mikasa with Armin doing the same to Mikasa. Ammy looked could feel her head fall as more rapid kicks came to her head. Ammy could hear Eren scream something but she couldn't make it out. Ammy lied in her pool of blood as Eren spoke to her 'Ammy it's okay your okay I'm right-' he was cut off as a loud SMACK came from her left. More pounding came from her left and gags. Ammy slowly looked over seeing Eren being kicked from Levi. Ammy turned her head over to the stands and looked over to her friends. Ammy looked back at her pool of blood as Erwin explained a plan to take Ammy and Eren outside the walls to try to reclaim wall Maria. the judge remained quiet for a moment and said "Levi if these two got out of hand will you be able to take them out." "I can kill them but that's it, these two will have to be trained like dogs not soldiers." the judge remained quiet again and said "I reached my verdict, Eren and Ammy Yeager will be under custody of the scouting legion."

Ammy could feel the pressure on the hand cuffs lessen as she feel into the puddle of blood. Ammy could feel someone grab her hair and pull her up, Ammy tried her best to get up and walked down the isle. Ammy could hear a door open and the sound of Hanji's voice saying "Okay okay their they are! "Oh my god levi did you have to kick them that much! Ugg at least I brough my kit with me now Eren sit here and Ammy sit here." Ammy could feel Hanji guide her over to a couch and Eren. Ammy sat down and collapsed onto eren's lap. "My...scarf.." Ammy muttered. "I...need my scarf...p-please.." Ammy could feel a soft fabric fall onto her neck, Ammy opened her eyes to see the blue color. Ammy smiled as best as she could "T-Thank you.." she muttered as a sharp pain came to her face. Ammy flinched in pain as Eren stroked her head "It'll sting a little." Ammy lied on Erens lap as Hanji rubbed the medicine on her face. "So what do the two of you hate me now?" levi said. Ammy looked over and smiled "No I can't hate someone for saving me from death." Ammy opened her eyes to see Hanji walking over "Now I think Levi took it way to far cause.." Ammy looked over to Hanji seeing her hold a small price of cloth. Ammy looked closer at the cloth seeing two teeth in it. Hanji's brightened up as she said "Hey could you let me see the inside of your mouths!!?" Ammy sighed and opened her mouth. "Huh...they grew back already!"

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