Battle of Trost. . .part 4

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-----------------------------------------------Up on wall rose

"Now , Armin aleret." Armin stood in attention "Yes sir?" Commander Pixus turned towards the fallen Trost district. "You said we could use Eren's power to take the bolder and place it in front of the broken gate?" Ammy looked over to Eren. "Or where you trying to save your hides?" "We'll sir . . .both I believe it could work if Eren can."

Ammy flinched "We'll young man can you lift hat boulder?" Ammy looked over to Eren 'I bet you can , but if you don't think you can then tell the commander the truth.' Eren though 'I know I know I think I could but I'm not sure if I can do it as a Titan...' then "Sir im not sure to be honest, right now I can't even stand let alone carrying the boulder.." the commander squatted down "Well are you willing to try?" Eren looked up and said "I'll do it!" 'Im not sure If I can but I'll try, no matter what I'll protect Ammy and the others!' Ammy looked over to Eren and smirked 'I can hear you!'

"Cadet Ammy." Ammy stood in attention "Yes sir?" the commander looked over to Ammy "Do you have the ability to become a Titan as well? You both are brother and sister so It wouldn't surprise me." Ammy though for a second 'We'll can i?' Ammy clenched her head 'God Ammy think dad said this power would confuse us but can I or not?' Ammy looked up "Im not sure, but I agree with your theroy that I may. But at this time it is unclear.". The commander turned around

"Very we'll both of the yeagers come with me to call the troups." As Ammy helped Eren up she wondered what her part in the plan will be. 'What do you think Eren?' Eren looked over to her 'Well first I have something I need to say.' Ammy shugged 'When we go to Trost I want you to be safe so if you can try not to do any and at all work or battling!' Ammy looked over him 'What do you mean?' Eren looked up at the sky 'I vaguely remember when I was a Titan you were trapped in a titans hand and Mikasa was suck on the ground...' Ammy flinched as Eren placed his hand on her shoulder. 'Hey look it's Mr.Hans.' Ammy looked over to mr.hans and kept walking

Ammy stood stait as the commander explained the plan of Eren turning into a Titan to put the boulder in the gate , and how must of them will distract the titans to keep them away from them. as Ammy walked towards where everyone was heading out Ammy heard her name being called. 'Huh the leader of Erens squad? what does he need from me?' "Ammy I would like if you joined my squad, your fast with a sword and I want you to lead Eren to the broken gate." "Yes sir." Ammy walked over to Eren and Mikasa as Eren said "See you later be safe with Armin." Ammy giggled as the two stared at her "Silly, I'm in your squad!" Eren stepped back for a minute 'It's to dangerous for her to come! Ugg why can she be here with the decoy operation!?' Ammy looked up at him and smiled 'I can hear you!'

Ammy ran across the wall as they reached the check point 'Eren when we get down there and you transform follow me I'll help guide you.' Eren looked over to her 'Ammy please stay safe I don't want you to get hurt!' Ammy shot her cables to a tower as a bright yellow flash happened 'Wow' Ammy though. Ammy shot her cables to a roof and looked at Titan Eren 'Eren? Eren can you hear-!' Ammy saw as a giant fist came strait at her.

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