Chapter 5: Humanity's Comeback...part 1

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The drill Sargent came over to Ammy who was standing next to Eren on her right and Armin on her left. She was having the same look like Mikasa had. "Why are you here Titan chow!?" Ammy stared at the sargent. "Sir I'm here to become stronger to kill the titans!" Then the Sargent walked away and Ammy let out a breath of relief. This went on for the whole day. Ammy looked over to the sound of crunching. 'Oh my god that girl is eating!' Ammy looked over to Eren who was staring at the same girl. The Sargent walked over and yelled at the "Sir my name is Sasha brows of ."

That evening


Ammy stood at the porch of one of the cabins with Eren , Armin , and some of the other trannies. "So if I'm right are all 3 of you from Shiganshina?" Eren replied with placing his hands, one on Armin and the other on Ammy. "Yeah Ammy is my little sister and Armin is are friend." one of the trainies with freckles said " guys saw-" he was cut off by the other "The colossal one!? right?" Ammy flinched in the memory of the story's that Eren told her about that Titan. Eren sighed "Yeah me and Armin saw it."

In the mess hall


"Yeah yeah I saw the big one." Ammy sat next to Eren when everyone was asking them about the titans. Eren explained to them what the colossal one was like. "And the other titans what were they like?" Ammy flinched as memories of that god forbidden happy Titan ate her mother. Ammy felt tears begin to flow from her eyes and she pulled her blue scarf up. Then she felt confident as Eren said how once we all learn how to use the 3d maneuver gear (I hate how the gears name is in English so) to kill them. Ammy felt Eren's hand patting her on the shoulder as she pulled down her scarf. Then one of the other cadets named Connie asked "So what field are you guys going to join?" Eren replied "we are both joining the scouts." Eren plopped his hand on her head as he spoke. then a laugh came from the right. Ammy and everyone else looked over. Eren looked at the guy "What do you want?" Ammy couldn't see as Eren was bigger then her all she could do was listen. As Eren got up she could tell this was going to end badly. As Ammy jumped up she saw Mikasa coming over. "Gentlemen please." Mikasa and Ammy said as Ammy was pulling Eren to the door with Mikasa following. She could feel a tap on her shoulder as she turned around. "I um.. you both have. Beautiful hair!" Ammy though to her self 'The same jerk who wants to live in the interior!' She turned and said along with Mikasa "Thank you." as they walked out. Ammy ran towards Eren outside with Mikasa "You shouldn't be fighting here Eren." as they kept walking "Okay if you guys want to worry about something . . . Worry about you hair. It's going to catch up with you guys later." Ammy looked at her hair. Long and blond. Ammy looked up to Eren "Do I have to cut it?" Eren looked over to her. "you can if you want." as they reached the bunkers Mikasa started to head to the girls dorm as Ammy and Eren entered.

*Okay lemme explain why Ammy sleeps in the boys dorm. Eren doesn't want to loes Ammy since she the only blood family he has left. also he has nightmares of Ammy being killed or eaten so when he wakes up if he can't find Ammy he starts to freak out. so yeah back to the story*

Ammy climbed into bed with Eren following her. "Goodnight Armin , goodnight Eren" Ammy muttered as she fell asleep.

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