Battle of Trost. . .part 2

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"Eren Yeager died in battle." Ammy could feel the roof she was standing on begin to shake. 'No no he said he can kill them! he's fine he he...' Ammy pulled her scarf up and went to the edge of the roof. Dakota walked over "Ammy wait we can't make it anywhere were all out of gas." Ammy clenched her hand "Then me and Mikasa will kill the titans on the way to the refueling castle!" Ammy lifted her sword and jumped.

Ammy searched the ground for any sign of Eren until. 'A hand...' Ammy flew down to the hand and picked it up. She wrapped her hand an felt tears began to flood. It was Eren's hand. Ammy could feel hot tears begin to flow. Ammy picked up the hand and shot her cables back to the group. Ammy shot her cable to another house, but then she ran out of the gas. As Ammy began to fall Mikasa began to fall as well. Ammy landed on her elbow and looked up. "Hey mikasa are you okay?" mikasa nodded as Ammy looked over to the rumbling ground. 'Damn it.' Ammy ran over to Mikasa and helped her up. "Ammy here take what's left in my tanks and run I'll try to hold it off." Mikasa popped her tanks off and shoved them in Ammys arms. "Mikasa no!" Ammy threw the tanks on the ground and ran towards the Titan with Mikasa.

'This isn't your world! Your all going to die!' Ammy paused.

'What the hell? I think I just heard Eren in my head. damn it I'll kill the titan, I will!' Ammy looked up as a titans arm scooped her up.

Ammy grabbed her sword and started to try to cut her self out of the titans hand until...RAWWWER! 'Your not going to kill my sister!' Ammy stopped 'What the hell! There's that voice again...'Ammy could feel her self begin to fall. 'Did Mikasa kill it? But what was that sound?' Ammy screamed while she feel then a giant hand so to speak picked up the hand in which she was trapped in and opened it. Ammy looked up at what saved her. 'A-A titan?' The Titan picked her out of the fallen titans hand and set her up on a nearby roof.

Ammy sat on the roof top until blackness took her sight.

Ammy fluttered her eyes open and saw she was within the fueling castle. Ammy looked around and pulled her self up. 'What the...last thing I remember is a Titan saving me and then...' "Guys look Ammy woke up." Eli said extaticky. Ammy looked towards the sound. "D-Dakota, Eli, Kali! What...where am i?" Kali looked over "Me, Dakota , Connie , Armin ,and Mikasa found you knocked out up on a roof." Ammy shock her head. "Yeah then Mikasa carried you to the castle and then, guess what there's a titan that's killing it's own kind!!" Ammy flinched "D-Did it have black hair an glowing green eyes?" Dakota cocked her head "Mhm! wait how do you know?" Ammy flinched "Oh um... just a guess." Eli walked over "Hey are you okay does your head hurt or anything like that?" Ammy shook her head " I'm fine." Kali got up and grabbed Ammy's scarf and started to unwrap it. "Care to explain this Ammy?" Ammy looked at the hand and then down at the ground. "I think I found what's left of my brother." Dakota, Eli, and Kali stared at her. "Here come on let's go find out the plan." Ammy cocked her head "What plan?" Kali face palmed Dakota "She just woke up baca" Dakota giggled and replied "Oh yeah, so there are titans down where the refueling tanks are so Armin is thinking of a plan so we can get out of here!" Ammy nodded and looked up "Okay guys here's the plan! Mikasa , me , Reiner , Annie , Ammy , Sasha , and Connie will go up ( I don't think I need to explain this)

Ammy pulled out her blades until 'There's the signal!' Ammy jumped down and killed her Titan. Ammy ran over to the elevator shaft and tried to find Armin and the others. after Ammy refueled her tanks she went to the top with Mikasa. "What are we going to do?" Mikasa clenched Ammys hand and replied "Fight" Ammy watched as the what they called 'Rouge titan' began to kill the last of a pack of titans. "Oh no guys it's the Titan that killed Thomas!" Ammy watched as the rouge titan noticed Thomas's killer and went Bazerk on that one Titan. "No" Ammy muttered as the rouge Titan began to fall. 'Our hope of winning is over.' (here's the part I've been wanting to write since I made this book!) Ammy watched as some thing began to pop out of the rouge titans neck. "Eren" she muttered. Ammy subcounsisly shot her cables to Eren. Ammy grabbed her brother. 'I-Its him!' Ammy put her head on his chest. Ba dum Ba dum. Ammy cried and wrapped her self in his arms. 'It's okay sis.' Ammy looked up to see Eren still uncounsis. she held him tight, 'Don't ever leave me again!'

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