Chapter 4:That day...part 4

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"Daddy stop!" blackness "You both must return and save wall maria!" blackness, then her basement key appeared "GIVE ME YOUR ARM!!!" Ammy woke up,panting with Eren next her panting. Mikasa walked over and said it was just a nightmare and explained that the place they sleeped was a food storage, but now is a place for the refugees. Ammy got up and held Eren's hand and looked up at him seeing the key to their basement! 'How did he get that?' Eren started to walk to the exit and Ammy saw all the refugees and then Armin ran over with bread. "Hey guys!" Armin handed each of them a piece of bread. "My grandfather said he was with kids." Ammy was about to eat some of her bread but then looked up to a grasidion soilder as he scowled at them and walked away. Eren muttered "What's his deal?" Armin said quietly "Just ignore it, they were dealing with famine before we got here, he's just hungry... And you guys better make that last, because thats all we get for today." Ammy felt Eren shove her bread in her hand and Eren ran over and punched the solider. Ammy watched in horror as the the 2 soldiers punched him back and kicked him. "Eren!" Ammy ran over to him with Mikasa hurrying over with her. Ammy blocked out all the sounds went in front of Eren to some what protect him. She could hear Armin trying to convince the soldiers to not hurt him anymore. She and Mikasa tried their best to carry Eren to the front of the "Shelter" and she watched as Armin and Eren fight about having to much given to them. Ammy looked down at the ground and began to cry after Mikasa punched Eren to the ground and started to shove his bread down his throat. Ammy took her bread and ripped it in too 3 pieces and shoved 1 piece into Erens,Mikasa,and Armin's mouth. Eren coughed and yelled at her "Ammy what are you doing!?!" Ammy looked at the ground and began to cry and yelled back at him "I'm the youngest person here probably! I'm going to die anyway why waste the food on me instead of you guys!" Eren stared back at her and she began to cry. He got up and hugged her and said "I'm not going to let die, I'm going to protect you!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That year the government issued that all the refuges old enough to join the army will go with the scout legion to try to reclaim wall roes. Armin's grandfather was one of those souls who died from the titans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ammy sat down on a brick building with Armin , Mikasa , and Eren. Armin held his grandfathers hat and began to cry. Ammy looked up at the sky and heard Eren speak "That's it, next year I'm joining the cadets to become stronger!" Armin was the first to reply " I'm joining too!" Mikasa then replied "I guess I am too." Ammy jumped up and said "Me too!" Eren yelled "Danget you guys don't have to follow me to my death!" "And if I can help it then it won't be your death."

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