Chapter 17

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//Be ready for a sad few chapters folks//

Roman's POV
I waited there patiently, is anyone coming to visit? How about a nurse. Damn it gets boring here.

Speaking of visitors how do I even know which of them are alive?

It was like I was in a movie. On queue two of the people I was dying to see walked into the room.

"ROOO-CHASE!!!! YOU'RE AWAKE!!" Thomas and Patton yell out. I was hoping they weren't too loud. I don't want both my visitors getting kicked out.

"Helloooooooo!!! How's everyone?" I ask. Hoping that my fear of someone being dead doesn't show too much. Gotta keep strong for Pat.

"Lo's great and I'm great and you're great!" Patton exclaims.

"What ab-about Virge.......?" I was on the brink of tears. What about Virgil....

All the cheerfulness on Patton's face disappeared.

"Ro, he got out of surgery five minutes ago. It's- it's....... not...looking too.." Patton burst into tears. So did I. Thomas did too. He's not going to make it is he....
Virgil's POV
They say that before you die you hear music. They also say that your life flashes before your eyes. Well I heard both. My brain showed me flashbacks of all my greatest memories and worst regrets.
From my first birthday to my first loose tooth.
My first time I was introduced to the Sides.
My first time I was in a video to the first time Roman insulted me.
The first time me and Creativity kissed, to the first date.
First Christmas with the sides to my first Halloween.
The first time I went to a MCR concert.
Every single moment until this moment. This life or (probably) death moment.
Roman singing 'Chasing Cars' was playing in my head the entire time.

I'm not going to be scared to say it, I'm probably going to die right here on this hospital bed. I'm not scared of death, well actually I am. But I won't admit it.

The only thing that frightens me to the core in what will happen. What will happen when I die. Will Thomas have no anxiety? Will I be replaced? Will Roman break into pieces and shatter? Most likely.

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