/ The End of a New Age /

Start from the beginning

Luckily, this small vessel was covert, and not to mention it was fortified with a layer of Nefrald that protected well against most barrages.

The mast picked up much of the gust that blew it eastward towards the island. Most of the Kellco ships remained close as the island rejected Jarco furiously.

The ship skimmed closer and closer to the impending Kellco forces. Meep could feel every onslaught. He heard every percussion from the cannonballs. He could hear the nails moaning out in mercy while the ship was attempting to remain together.

However, it wasn't the Kellco forces, nor the Jarco fleet, nor any of the small MoonCo clan that hung their vessels adrift, but one lone ship, a ship represented by the colors green, red, and purple, coming southward from the Discord Islands.

It sprayed the Tomkie ship with rows of arrows that caught fire in mid-air. A remarkable feat. The flag raised revealed only but a dark-grey. Nothing more, nothing less, and no one seemed quite pleased on the deck of the ship, for the ship was engulfed in flames.

The panic began on the deck as the inferno grew. Meep could hear the sound of metal clanging and movement while some of the crewmen attempted to douse the flames.

FrostyHawk and his Imperial knights stayed towards the far end of the ship whilst they watched as the boat incinerated.

After only minutes, the crew decided that this was useless and make their way for whatever land mass seemed optimal. The regal party watched in horror as one by one their Tomkie sailors jumped off the bow.

["We need to get off this boat!" yelled Yoh1612 as they heard the large door to the cargo hold slam open](https://youtu.be/5IsSpAOD6K8?t=9).

In a surprised moment, they made eye contact with the young Marclipsa general. Meep could hear the ringing cascade over his ears as he had heard before.

The royal guard pushed Frosty towards the edge of the guardrail.

"..but I don't know how to swim."

There was a large explosion from the stern of the ship where the fire had weakened the wood underneath the sheets of metal. There was not much helping one another while the ship rocked, the explosion forced, and all were pushed off into the ocean.

Meep found himself out to sea. He could hear... he could hear the waves and the dying boat; he could see the Isle of Daron not too far off, and this insufferable ringing. It grew louder, louder whilst he gazed in different directions.

The ringing grew as he swam around the moaning vessel, around the rutter that was now pointing to the air. There was the Emperor, flailing in the waves.

Meep grabbed onto his light armament and they both began their way to the island.

"Breathe deeply," said the boy to the emperor as they lightly drifted out to sea. After a moment of realization, Frosty spoke.


"Yep." As he dragged the imperial through the water, he brought the Emperor to a piece of driftwood and they both clung to it. "Just kick." It was once again said with a small mouthful of salty water.

An agonizing slow travel afloat the ocean, it was. The Liege and The Rebel both awkwardly took their route to the island. All the ships blissfully paid no mind to the miserable two.

After hours of slow travel, the waves carried them towards the shore. The island glowed with the soft black sand, and the final wave dumped our two onto the shimmering beach.

Both Meep and Frosty laid there for a moment gathering themselves on the shore, being doused by the surf.

"Not gonna lie, that was the most excitement I've had in years," he spoke to the youngster, out of breath from their reprehensible voyage.

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